Chapter 23 Home.

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Neeran was finally glad when the planet came into view as the Spectre entered its orbit.
"We're home."

"Neeran!" cries out all of the residents in the place that Neeran called her home.
"Hello everyone," replied Neeran as she was embraced in a big hug from Kyipen and Janan. "How are you all?"
"We're all fine," said Chopper. "Things have been really quiet here since you left. Turns out that Janan is great at lying to the Imps."

"I wouldn't say great, just good enough to keep them off our backs for a while," said Jexxel looking up finally from the data she was decoding on her device.
"Hello Jexxel," greeted Galleion, having grown quite fond of the little former assassin-thief turned Resistance fighter. "Long time, no see."
"No," said Galleion, as he shook his head. "He is not."
"Right," nodded Jexxel, attempting to mask her sadness. "Welcome anyway."

As the others began to speak with Zach, Jyuo, Coattra, Galleion, Harron and Bronnick, Jexxel placed the data-pad back on the table before her and looked off distantly.
"Something else wrong?" asked Neeran taking a seat beside her.
"I miss him," said Jexxel. "I really miss him a lot."
"I know you do," said Neeran pulling her daughter close to her. Jexxel didn't argue and snuggled closer. Hiccup had been close to both Jexxel and Chopper, but more so Jexxel as the helped each other recover from what they'd been through in their lives.

"I missed my friends a lot when they were gone. Even the connection telling me they were alive wasn't enough. It wasn't the same as the being there."
Jexxel nodded her head, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"But we found my friends alive and well, so that means that we can find Hiccup too," said Neeran. "We just need more patience and he will come."
"I hope he will," said Jexxel.
"There's something else," said Jexxel. "There's another rebel cell on Lothal. They're known as the Ghost crew."

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