Chapter Twelve:Fury (Aza's POV)

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  • Dedicated to BlackVeilBrides1234 (my best friend)

    I watched as Abe slouched against my wall. His tail was tucked between his legs and his massive shoulders slumped with pain. I shouldn't care. He lied to me, so why do I care that he is hurt? I sighed. I plopped down onto my bed. Angie was becoming cruel, I was stuck in a house with a boy who tried to rape me, and now my one friend was gone. And it was my fault. I struggled to ignore his whimpers.

    I lay on my bed, trying to handle the pain that pounded through my heart. I heard a quiet sound from in front of my door. Had Abe tried to get in? I glanced out the window and saw Abe scratching the wall desperately. No. I choked on tears as I turned back to the door. What if it was Jacob? Will Abe protect me or am I on my own? The knob turned slowly. I flinched waiting for Jacob to step in, an ugly sneer lighting his face, and best friend?

    "Aza, it's me, Hannah." She whispered. I stared in disbelief at her. Hannah? I jumped up. She smiled softly. "Hey friend, how's it going?" She asked quietly.

    "Awful, Hannnah. Angie is mean and Jacob...he is just terrible. You have to get me out of here." I whimpered. The whispered wolf cries grew louder. She nodded. Her jaw was set and for once, there wasn't even the slightest hint of a smile on her face.

    "I am going to get you out, but I can't yet. Give me some time. For now, explain what the hell is going on." She said firmly. She motioned with one hand towards the window. Then she gestured towards my tear stained face. I gulped.

    "I don't know how to explain. you won't believe me." I grumbled.

    "I believe everything you say when you are hurt, because it is always true. Aza, you don't lie. Ever. I trust you." Hannah replied.

    "I moved here and Angie instantly tried to take control of my life. Pink, vegetarian diets, chores and no job, no friends, calling me a whore for wearing makeup. And Jacob always acted strange. He would stare and me. I met a boy named Abe. He was dark and strong and protective. I adored him. I also met a wolf. He reminded me of Abe, so I called him that. "

    "As time moved on, I started to  look forward to when the wolf came around. I would tell him everything, about Jacob, Angie, my mother and you, and Abe. Well, life got worse. Angie yelled at me, Jacob became creepier. Abe wouldn't talk to me. I became dependant on the wolf. It meant everything. You understand right?"

    Hannah nodded. "Angie sent me on an errand. I was walking down the street and suddenly I was grabbed. Jacob and his friend tried to rape me. Well Abe appeared and beat the snot out of them. He was shaking and then...BAM! He is the wolf Abe I have been pouring my heart out to." Hannah wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

    "I don't know what to do now." I whispered.

    "Is the wolf Abe the one that is scratching the walls?" She asked. I nodded. "He seems sorry, Aza. Maybe he knew that you loved the comfort of his wolf and knew you weren't totally comfortable with his human form. Don't make him go through this."

    "Hannah, when I said I told him things, I meant everything. My darkest secrets, things that matter to me more than anything. It wasn't right for him to lie to me like that."

    "Alright. I will help you. But only because you are hurting even more than he is. Let's get him, girly." Hannah said, an evil grin sliding into place.

    "What do you mean by that?"

    "We, my dear friend, are going to rip his balls off, feed them to the wolves (pun intended), and then make him explain why he did what he did. Then, everything will be fine." She said. I grinned.

    "Sounds like a plan." We smiled at each other. I might be upset, but nothing beats the fury of my best friend. 

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