Chapter Twenty-five:Win part 2 (Ryan's POV)

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    I sat on the coach. The tv was playing a stupid vampire movie called Twilight and Hannah was sitting next ot me scoffing at it. I smiled at her out of the corner of my eye. She was lying down with her head on my leg. Her hair was wild and she was wearing her emo spongebob t-shirt with grinch fuzzy pj pants. She was everything to me. After Aza had gone catatonic and Abe had more or less been in a coma, I had realized how much they meant to me and to her. I had noticed after Hannah had become severely depressed. I had began to think of my own feeling and discovered that I missed them both a lot. Though not nearly as much as I would miss her.

     "What are you staring at?" She asked, gazing at me confusedly. I smiled softly. What did she think? I wasn't staring at the bronze-haired douche on the screen. She smiled slightly. "Dumb question?" She asked. I grinned and nodded. She sat up and moved so she could cuddle against my body. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She looked up at me with hazel eyes that saw straight through me every time.

    "I am always watching you honey." I told her softly. She grinned and tucked her head under my chin. I wrapped my strong arms around her thin waist and held her tightly. Her body was warm and soft against my firm form. My wolf gave a happy sigh and settled down to take a nap. I was pretty tired come to think of it.

   "That's sorta creepy. Stalker-ish." I rolled my eyes and she gave a girlish giggle at my exasperation.

   "No, I just care about you more than anything else." It was her turn to roll her eyes. I had told her this many times. She was not a romantic, so she couldn't care less. Abe said Aza was the same way at times. Which wasn't good for me. I planned to propose, but I didn't know how. I had something planned for tonight. Hopefully it'd break that self-erected wall. Hopefully she said yes.

    "Hannah, let's go to the bedroom, 'kay?" She shrugged, but paused. "What?"

    "I don't wanna walk." I chuckled. She had a tiny pout on her lips, but I could see the mysterious gleam in her eye.

    I picked her up easily. She weighed all of nothing to me. I carried her down the hall to my room. I had spent a long time cleaning it up and 'romantifying' it. I opened the door carefully. Rose petals lay across the floor and my old guitar lay on my bed. I had a rose on my pillow next to an envelope and a little box. I felt Hannah go still. I glanced down at her and saw that her eyes were the size of saucers.

    I sat her down gently. I handed her the note. She opened it with trembling hands. I watched her as she read it. When she finally raised her eyes I was trembling with fear of what she was going to do next. Her eyes had tears in them. I started to lift the guitar. She placed her small hand over mine. I gazed at her worriedly. She lunged forward and wrapped her hands around my neck. I numbly held her. "Does that mean yes?"

    "No shit, dumbass!"  Was her reply. I have never been happier.

Almost over.

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