Chapter 6

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"Honey, you should try to eat something," Sharon Eckley said softly. "It's your favorite."

John had hardly touched his fried chicken or side dishes, his stomach knotted up so tight he was afraid to take more than tiny bites and keep them down. He felt guilty, though—his mom had made this dinner special for him. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "My stomach hurts."

She reached over and squeezed his wrist. "You don't have to apologize, sweetheart," she murmured then withdrew her hand and cast a quick though firm look at her husband.

John frowned, glancing between his parents. His dad appeared a little tense and unusually quiet. "Is something wrong?" John asked uneasily. He looked at his mom who was now poking noncommittedly at her food as well. "Mom?"

Sighing, Sharon raised her eyes to John's dad. "Tell him, Mitch."

"Tell me what?" John shifted his stare to his dad. "What, dad?"

Exhaling slowly, Mitch rubbed his mouth and leaned back in his chair. "I, uh...I spoke to Luke just before he left school to come home."

John's eyes widened. "What?" For a moment, his voice abandoned him, then came back with a rasp. "Why didn't you tell me? What did he say?"

"Well, he said not to tell you," Mitch emphasized. "He was leaving a day ahead of schedule because he wanted to get here before you arrived. He had a surprise for you."

John's heart began to unclench, his breath quickening as he started to breathe again. "What surprise?"

"Now, I really can't tell you that," Mitch smiled, then sobered with sympathy. "But we couldn't take seeing you so worried and scared. So, just know that all is well between you and Luke."

Moments before John's heart was about to leap from his chest and fly away—another thought hit him. "So...where is he? If he left early, shouldn't he have gotten here before me?"

His parents exchanged an anxious glance. "That's what has us a little worried," Mitch said quietly. "Luke told us that he might get delayed if the road conditions were bad, but he didn't foresee any problems..." He faltered, his face tense.

"What?" John pressed, growing worried again.

"We heard on the news that a freak blizzard blew in over the pass...where Luke would be coming through." He gazed at John with concern. "He promised to check in along the way, but...we haven't heard from him since he left."

John's throat closed as an all new panic began to set in. "What're you saying?" he whispered. "That...that something might have happened to him? He might've been in a wreck?"

"John, I'm sure he's fine," his dad spoke calmly. "Let's not panic just yet."

Too late. "So...what?" he asked thickly. "We just have to sit and wait? What if his car went off the road, how long would it take someone to find him? If he was hurt-"

"Son," Mitch interjected. "Just stay calm. I called the state troopers and gave them the make and model of Luke's car, his description, told them he was traveling alone and asked them to keep a look out for him. If anything happens, they'll contact us."

John nodded, his throat working. "Okay," he trembled.

"He's going to be all right, son," Mitch assured gently—and with sincere faith.

"Why didn't he tell me...something, before he left?" John asked unsteadily. "He would have known I would be worried if I couldn't get a hold of him."

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