Chapter 14

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"Sorry for sleeping in so late." John kissed his mom's cheek as he and Luke entered the kitchen. "I guess we missed breakfast, huh?"

Sharon waved her hand absently. "Nonsense. I'll fix you something," she said. "And after all the stress of the last couple days or so, you boys deserve plenty of rest." The playful smile tweaking her lips as she cast them the occasional glance assured John that she knew their exhaustion wasn't entirely due to the stress. He was fairly certain the sounds of their activities weren't entirely contained within the bedroom walls. Or the shower stall this morning.

"Well, I..." John looked at Luke. "...definitely feel more refreshed."

"Mm-hm," Sharon smirked as the boys laughed. "Go on into the living room, I'll call you when your breakfast is ready."

"Thank you, mom," John smiled sweetly and kissed her cheek again.

"Yes, thank you, mom," Luke grinned and kissed her other cheek. "You're the bestest mom ever."

Sharon shook her head, laughing softly, and shewed them toward the door way. "Go bug the other men."

"Dad's got to be in seventh heaven," John chuckled. "A real life high profile attorney right here in his house."

Sharon nodded. "Yeah," she mused. "I can't hardly pry him away from Bob. I'm pretty sur they would sat up all night long talking law if I hadn't insisted it was bedtime." She smiled. "I haven't seen him this buddy-buddy with someone since...ever." She laughed. "It's really kind of cute. He made a little friend."

"Well," Luke grinned. "If you're going to make a friend, you can't hardly do better than Bob."

"Oh, he's a gem," Sharon concurred. "Very pleasant and helpful. You know, he actually made breakfast for Mitch and me this morning. Insisted on it." She sighed. "I wonder if he'd give up law to be my personal assistant around the house. Pay might be just a tad less than what he's getting now..."

John snorted. "A tad less?"

"Okay, he'd probably have to work for free, but he would have free room and board—and someone to hang on his every word like it was golden."

"Sounds like a good deal to me," Luke nodded.

"Ah, to dream," Sharon sighed again, then laughed and ushered them from the kitchen.

John shook his head as they headed for the living room. "My parents totally love Bob," he smiled.

"He's a good guy," Luke said. "Very likable."

They found Mitch and Bob lounging on the sofa, feet propped up on the coffee table, watching an old Perry Mason episode on TV.

"Perry Mason?" Luke cocked an eyebrow.

"Hey," Bob said. "He is the classic attorney. The one we all strive to live up to."

Mitch chuckled. "The man's a genius." He glanced up at the boys. "So, did you...sleep well?" His lips pursed in a smile and Bob stifled a short laugh with the not-so-discreet clearing his throat.

"Quite well, thank you," John huffed haughtily, suppressing a smile.

"That would have been my guess," Mitch sighed and shifted his feet to the floor, then sat forward and picked up his coffee cup.

"Shit." Bob laid his head back and chuckled.

John groaned as Luke took great amusement in it all. "After breakfast," John said. "We're going to run into town and pick up some ornaments."

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