Chapter 7

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"Dad." Doubt churned John's gut as he stood on the front porch and stared across the street. "Are you sure about this?" The continued absence of Luke's car in the drive heightened John's fear that maybe Luke wasn't okay. But if he let the panic take him, he would lose his mind and have a total breakdown.

Mitch zipped up his thick jacket. "I know Luke doesn't have a great relationship with them," he said. "But he is their son. They have a right to know what's going on. I wouldn't want to be kept in the dark if it was you out there."

"Yeah. But you're a good parent." John followed his dad down the steps. He'd only seen Luke's parents in passing, but after the things Luke had told him, he wasn't anxious to stand face to face with them—especially Chandler Rivers.

"Why, thank you, my boy," Mitch chuckled. "Much obliged."

John smiled. "And a bit strange at times."

"Kids are supposed to think their parents are strange."

John smirked. "Good thing." He dodged when his dad threw a fake punch at his arm. "Too quick for you, old man," he taunted.

"Lucky for you," Mitch nodded then held up his fists like a boxer. "I still got a little ammo in these guns."

John smiled skeptically but knew it was true. Back in his day, his dad had done his fair share of boxing. The man was no weakling—despite John's teasing. To this day, John still couldn't beat him in a round of arm wrestling. But that was cool. He dreaded the day when his dad started showing signs of official "old age". John glanced at him then laughed softly when Mitch winked and beckoned him with his fists.

"Want to go a round?"

"No," John shook his head. "You can still kick my butt. I'm man enough to admit that."

Mitch chuckled and lowered his arms. "Yeah, well, sons aren't supposed to be tougher than their dads."

Looking up at the Rivers' home, John muttered, "I wish Luke was tougher than his dad. That guy needs his ass kicked good and hard."

"You're probably right," Mitch agreed. "But once Luke takes his future into his own hands, his dad won't be able to control his decisions. After that, the best thing to do with the likes of Chandler Rivers is be the bigger man and turn the other cheek. Violence rarely solves anything."

John was well aware his dad was all for peaceful negotiations whenever possible, but he'd also seen the bubbling anger in his eyes when he learned what Luke had been put through under Chandler Rivers' manipulative thumb.

The strain of worry crept back into his dad's face as they climbed the slanted drive. Mitch Eckley was a true man of faith, but after nearly 24 hours of not hearing from Luke, even his extreme concern was showing through.

John slowed as they neared the wide steps leading up to the large porch. "You still think he's okay, right?" he asked quietly, a catch to his voice. "Luke. You're not starting to think the worst...are you?" He pressed his lips tight as his emotions fought to take over all at once. "I need you to keep believing that he's really okay. I don't worry as much if I know that you still think he's safe."

His eyes misting, Mitch hugged his son. "I do believe he's fine," he whispered. "I'm human, so I'm going to be concerned, but..." he stepped back and met John's troubled eyes. "I have faith that he will come home soon, safe and sound."

"Why is it taking so long?" John asked thickly. "It's been almost 24 hours. Where is he?"

"There's a good chance he's just waiting out the storm in a motel or something," his dad said. "And it isn't likely he would have access to a working phone or internet, not in a blizzard."

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