Chapter 12

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"I cannot believe he would do such a thing." Sharon was nearly seething as she directed Luke to a stool at the kitchen counter and dumped ice cubes into hand towel, wrapped them up and pressed the cold pack to Luke's bruised jaw. "How dare he?"

John ducked his head and smiled as Luke pressed his lips tight in amusement. John was as furious at Luke's dad as his mom was, but it was kind of an awesome thing to see her so fired up. Apparently Luke thought so, too.

"I'm okay, Mrs. Eckley," Luke assured. "Really."

His mom released a stiff hmph! and muttered heatedly to herself as she had Luke hold the cold compress, and went to the cupboard for a bottle of pain relievers. Mitch and Bob stood in the kitchen doorway, equally amused at the woman.

"I think it was probably a good thing for Chandler that you weren't out there, dear," Mitch chuckled. "Somehow I believe he would have gotten a much worse beating."

Bob shook his head and laughed quietly. "I wouldn't want to fight her."

John and Luke agreed wholeheartedly, laughing at the exasperated look on Sharon's face. "This isn't funny," she insisted as she dumped out a couple tablets from an Advil bottle. "Who the hell hits their own child?"

A sobering look fell over Bob's face. "Sadly...far too many. Witnessing up close the ugliness of this world, it often makes me wish I could move to another planet."

"Don't do that," Mitch murmured. "This world needs all the Robert Hansons it can get. There's not a lot people in your place who would go to bat for those who need it most." He smiled and clapped Bob lightly on the back. "You'd be doing the good folk of this world a grave disservice by vacating the galaxy."

"I agree," Sharon nodded. "We definitely need more caring souls like you."

"Thank you," Bob said softly with warm gratitude. "It's nice to feel...appreciated. With this Greely case, it's a media feeding frenzy. A lot of folk out there so eager to believe the worst about Shane Greely, and just want to throw him to wolves and condemn him without taking the time to learn the truth."

"So you really do believe Shane Greely's story?" John asked as he filled a glass half full of water and gave it to Luke to take with the pills.

"I can't discuss the details of the case," Bob said. "But as far as whether or not I believe the boy..." He nodded. "I do. One hundred percent."

"Well, thank the Lord he has someone like you on his side," Sharon said. She stroked her fingers through Luke's hair and kissed his head. "And not only him."

Mitch shook his head and looked at Bob. "You've done so much for us without even knowing us," he said quietly. "I wish there was some way we repay you."

Bob looked at him for a long moment, then smiled. "I have no family to spend Christmas with. I would be honored to spend it with you. Although I don't want to impose and please feel free to decline-"

"Nonsense," Sharon interjected. "You will absolutely spend Christmas with us." She looked at Mitch. "Come here, hon. You should put some ice on your hand as well."

John stood behind Luke, his arms around his neck and chuckled as his dad raised his hand and looked at it with a glimmer of pride. "Ah darling, it's been a long time since I've sported bruised knuckles. Let me revel. It makes me feel rather manly."

Luke laughed. "You were awesome, Mr. Eckley."

"I was impressed," Bob admitted.

Sharon smiled. "Well, real men still put ice on their boo-boo's, so quit fussing and do as you're told."

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