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(3 Days Earlier)

It felt like he was caught in one of those magical Christmas stories as he rolled through town, thick snowflakes drifting through his headlights and the streets deserted—and that lone diner with the open sign lit up. Bob knew he needed to get away quickly, move on...and not look back. Yet something about the diner compelled him to stop. Like in the movies, did he really expect a Christmas miracle that would magically make everything in his world right and perfect?

The notion was absurd, but perhaps there still resided within just enough of the child he had been once up a time—to cause him to park outside the diner and walk inside.

He came back to reality when he discovered the place was as deserted as the streets outside. No angel disguised as an old man waiting to tell him what the hell to do with this ache in his heart tearing him apart inside. No heavenly guidance on how to quell his love for a married man. No...nothing.

It's because there is no solution. Real life has no quick fixes...or sometimes any fix at all. You fell in love with the wrong person—it happens all the time.

Bob sighed. "Just get on the road," he whispered. "Get as far away as you can and just...forget."

"Logical plan, but it doesn't work."

Bob turned at the sound of the woman's voice directly behind him—and came face to face with Brandy Joline. He didn't know how to feel about her...or what her conversation with Mitch last night was all about. But he had learned in uncertain situations—to proceed with caution.

"Brandy." Bob stared at her. In a stark contrast to her previous night's attire, she wore a black pants suit that conformed to her slender body but wasn't gaudily tight, a silver belt, and a mid-length white jacket with black buttons—and as stunningly beautiful as last night. "I'm surprised to see you out so early on Christmas morning."

She smiled. "I could say the same."

"I'm headed to New York," he said, but offered no more.

"On Christmas day?" she inquired. "Mitch told me that you were spending Christmas with him and Sharon." She gazed at him thoughtfully. "Change of plans?"

He nodded. "You could say that," he murmured.

"I see," she said. "Do you have time for a cup of coffee?" She looked around the empty diner. "We can sit wherever we wish, apparently."

Bob hesitated, wanting to get out of town as soon as possible, but still found himself accepting.

A plump waitress with a pretty face and festive spirit brought them coffee and wished them Merry Christmas. When she left them, Bob added cream to his cup.

Brandy sipped hers black and gazed at Bob. "Mitch and I never had an affair," she stated bluntly and Bob looked up, somewhat startled by her candor. She paused for another sip from her cup. "Nor do we have any desire to."

"I know," Bob said quietly and slowly stirred the creamer into his coffee.

"He explained?"

"No." Bob placed the spoon on a napkin and picked up his cup. "I just have a sense about most people. Mitch is a man of integrity."

Brandy smiled. "Your senses are right." Her hazel eyes rested softly on his face. "So what happened to your senses last night?"

Bob sighed. "Momentary glitch, perhaps."

"Perhaps," Brandy mused and touched her cup to her lips.

Why did he feel like he wasn't fooling her?

"It's true," she said quietly. "Your plan is flawed. Distance doesn't erase what's in your heart. It doesn't make you forget."

Bob lowered his eyes. "Why do you think I'm trying to forget what's in my heart?"

"Get as far away as you can and just forget," she murmured, repeating his own words. "Sounds like a man on the run from love, if I ever saw one."

His vision began to blur and he blinked it back into focus. "Sometimes love doesn't give you any other option but to run and...try to forget."

"I know," Brandy whispered. "I said it was a flawed plan. But for the likes of us—it's still the only plan. But let me give you fair warning, Bob..." Her eyes glistened. "If years in a city as romantic as Paris can't make me forget my love for Sharon—New York city isn't going to erase your love for Mitch."

Bob stared at her...then raised his coffee cup as tears filled his eyes. "Here's to perfecting the flawed plan."

Her thick lashes glossed with dampness. "Here, here," she whispered—and clinked her cup to his.


NOTE: The Bob and Mitch angle is a lead-in to Book 3, where their story will be played out. So, I guess you could say the end is just the beginning ;) 

Thank you for reading :) this was supposed to be a 15K word short story but somehow morphed into almost 50K words :) But I love these boys - young and old (and Sharon and Brandy, too) - they have proven to be quite inspiring. 

LOOK FOR BOOK 3 - "ONE KISS" - COMING SOON!! (can't wait - very much looking forward to it)


A.M. Snead

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