05 Senior Trip Pt. 2: Concert!

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Sae Yeon's POV
"Done!" I closed my matte black luggage and waited outside on my doorsteps for Hyun Woo to pick me up. He said he would be here by 10am, but it's already 9:50. I'm sure he'll make it! I was on Twitter retweeting some things when I noticed Min Hyuk's recent tweet.

"What do you do when you're missing someone who you know belongs to you?"

Belongs to you? I hope he's not talking about me because clearly, I am not an object. It's really cute and all, but I'm not into these depressing tweets. I scrolled past it to see Hyo Jin's new tweet,

"I miss you already, even though you miss somebody else, I'll always miss you."

Why are they so depressed?! Enraged, I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. 'Where is he?' I thought. Around 30 minutes passed and I got a text,

"I'm at the airport with the rest of the class, where are you?"

Are you serious, Hyun Woo? Are you being for real?

"I'm at home, I was waiting for you to PICK ME UP BY 10?!"

I replied as calmly as I could! I was about to give up and just stay at home when I heard two honks at the gate, Min Hyuk?
"Hey, babe." Jung Kook waved from his blue sports car. I sighed, these boys and their fast cars. "I heard you were stuck here, so Hyun Woo told me to pick you up on the way! Get in, he told me to explain what had happened."

I was kind of hesitant to get in knowing who Jung Kook was and what kind of person he is. "He threatened me to not touch you, just get in! We're gonna be late." He ushered me in.

"I thought you wanted to date me?" I asked as a joke, which he took seriously.

"We could if you want." He said with a side smirk, I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, explain!"

He explained, "Ok, so he said he got a text from Min Hyuk saying that you didn't need a ride and that he got you. Clearly, he lied and just wanted to piss you off. I don't know if he'll be alive by the time we get there."

"Why not?!"

"Because Hyun Woo is a good fighter! I went to middle school with him, and I remember him taking fighting lessons. Never would've thought he'd take law school lessons." I stopped talking after that because I worried for Min Hyuk. Why am I even worried? He lied to Hyun Woo and made it seem like it was his fault, why does he deserve my sympathy?

Maybe because we were best friends for 10 years which can never be ignored or avoided. Jung Kook parked in front of the airport and had someone take his car back to his house while we ran in. I ran as hard as I can to where Min Hyuk and Hyun Woo were standing face to face. Hyun Woo rose his fist to punch him, but I tackled him and landed on the floor on top of him.

He was surprised at first, and then he was angry. "Why did you do that?! I need to vent my anger out on his stupid face!" He slammed his fist against the ground, so I grabbed it while tears fell from my eyes.

"Calm down... Calm down." I kept whispering to him, I was so scared. The thought of him ending up killing Min Hyuk was in my head. Min Hyuk wasn't a fighting type. He could swing a few punched like any other guy, but he wasn't trained like Hyun Woo was. I could see the rage in his eyes that showed that he didn't care as long as he got to mess Min Hyuk up bad. After seeing my tears, Hyun Woo shook his head and sighed while helping me up. He wiped my tears and told the teacher, "Let's get going."

We were in the plane, the whole walk here Hyun Woo kept his arm around my shoulder. He kept glaring at Min Hyuk who's arm was locked with Hyo Jin's, really, the other way around. It was a very luxurious plane, Hyun Woo's mom owns the whole company for it, while his dad was a professional fighter. Unfortunately, the chairs were separated into fours, two chairs facing each other. I was sitting next to Hyun Woo, and across us was Min Hyuk and Hyo Jin. 'Great.' I thought to myself sarcastically.

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