18 Graduation FINAL

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Sae Yeon's POV
It's surprising knowing that in about 5 minutes, I'm going to walk down that aisle and receive my degree with my left hand and shake hands with the officials. Ashley and her parents are in town for my graduation and I could see them through the door.

"Nervous?" Kookie stood there with his gown and cap smiling brightly, I nodded and smiled back. "Don't be, it's going to go by quick so we have to be calm and enjoy the moments while we can."

"... Wow, that might be the deepest thing you've said to me this whole school year!" I was shocked to hear Jung Kook like this.
"Yeah, it's kinda like when you eat noodles and if you get nervous and try to eat it all at once you choke and die."
I laughed, "That's the Kookie I know.... you get nervous from eating noodles?"
"You don't?" He said and walked away laughing, I rolled my eyes and laughed it off too.

I walked back to my line and realized Min Hyuk was right in front of me. I poked him and smiled as he smiled back, "May I have this dance, milady?" I pointed forward quickly because the line was moving and our friends were walking down the aisle already. He ended up running to catch up to his position and the crowd laughed.

"Park Sae Yeon." They called my name and I stood at the stage in front of a few hundred people along with cameras where a million were watching all around Korea. I held my degree in both hands and smiled towards the cameras, I could hear my friends cheering from the stage and Ashley screaming in the crowd. That girl has no shame... I love her.

Lay ended up becoming our valedictorian, amazingly, considering he wasn't here for most of the school year. After the graduation, our friends all came together including Ashley. "Did your parents come this year?" She asked Sung Jae, he shook his head 'no.' It was normal that they didn't come, none of their parents came probably. It was an heir/heiress thing... it's not like they came to our middle school graduation either.

"Ah..." Ashley looked down then back up, "Whatever, let's go out for a party! I booked a hotel as a throwback to sophomore year!" Our eyes widened after hearing that because it's been such a long time, but it feels like just yesterday when Lay fell on me from the bridge. Lay and I glanced at each other and laughed. Min Hyuk crossed over from where he was standing and held my hand, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Everyone started leaving and removing their gowns to reveal their dresses and tuxes underneath it. Min Hyuk took me to his car after telling my driver that he'd take me, to which my driver replied sarcastically laughing, "Oh, what a surprise..."

I took off my gown in the car and brushed off the dress I was wearing underneath. "HEY, THAT DRESS IS TOO REVEALING." I scoffed, "It's so similar to the one I wore at Ashley's camp party!"

"Yeah, it was when you WEREN'T dating me! So I don't like seeing it."
I rolled my eyes, "Do you really not want me to wear it?"
"Yeah, but whatever. Here." He took off his coat and put it on my lap at the red light, "Wear that, we're almost there."

We arrived to the party and the whole crew was there from our classmates to EXO and BTS. "Now that we reached our final milestones... I feel so empty..." Ashley announced, "So how about another thing to look forward to... MIN HYUK-AH! WHEN ARE YOU PROPOSING TO HER?" Everyone laughed and stared at us while I looked at his red face. I held his hand in assurance while laughing harder. "Nooooo, Sae Yeon was supposed to be with me next after Hyun Woo!" Jung Kook started complaining while everyone laughed even harder.

"You can have Sae Yeon when pigs fly!" Min Hyuk replied.
"Well then I guess I better become an engineer!"

A/N: AHHHH, another book another cringe-worthy ending. Sorry, guys. This last chapter took foreverrrr to make and wasn't even that great, sorries! Hope you enjoyed the series so far with books one and two!

Have a wonderful day/night guys!

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