10 Who Are You?

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Sae Yeon POV
'Who are you, Ko Hyun Woo?'
I sat in the living room, biting my nails. What is he doing for 3 hours...? Meeting up with Hyo Jin? But why...? "Aha! I can ask Min Hyuk for help."

*calling Min Hyuk >:(*
"Min Hyuk-ah! Do you know the name of their company?"
"No, I'm not that far in yet, why?"
"I wanted to do some research because he just went out to get groceries."
"You wanted to research his background while he went out to get groceries-- you live like right next to the store, why would you--"
"He said he's coming back in 3 hours for GROCERIES. Not to mention the fact that my fridge isn't completely empty, I'm just missing a few stuff."
"Get ready. We're going to find this guy."
*hangs up*

"Ok, now I'm being dragged out of my house. That's nice. Oh! What do I wear?! I can't go out in this-- wait. Why do I care? It's not even anyone important... Anymore. Eh, I might as well dress nice for once." I went into my room and wore a casual sky blue dress. 'Wait, what if he notices me..?'

I should were something less noticeable and something he won't recognize. I got a white crop top and black jeans, paired with a flannel. "This feels so weird, I never wear these types of clothing. I usually just wear a skirt or dress, and if I do wear jeans I don't wear it with a crop top OR  a flannel. I don't even think this flannel is mine... Maybe Ashley's."


That's Min Hyuk. I walked out with my phone in my hand and some spare cash in my back pocket. When I walked out, his jaw dropped.

Min Hyuk POV
Woah. Why is she wearing that? "Why are you wearing that?" She scanned herself, "You don't like this new style?"
"Not on you, I'm probably just not used to it."
"Good. He won't recognize me."
My mouth made and O shape and nodded, "Oh, smart. Should I change into something he won't recognize me in either?"
"Min Hyuk, unless it's a dress, forget it. You're harder to disguise since you basically wear every clothing style."
"You saying I never go out of style? And that I rock just about everything?"
"Haha, I said you wear every style, never said you rocked it."

We laughed and walked out the door. We were going to walk to the store, but since it's already been an hour, we figured he must've already left-- if he even did stop by. Instead, we took the car to just check. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't there. We asked for a CCTV roll back, and he never even walked into the store. "Does he do this often? He says he's getting groceries for hours?" Sae Yeon thought about it and nodded.

"Now that I think about it, he did. He'd be gone for hours and I wouldn't notice because I'm busy with business papers and stuff." I nodded, so this isn't the first time. I had to check one thing, "Did he end up coming back with groceries?" She nodded. I asked about how long did it take him, and she put up 3 fingers for 3 hours. I nodded again.

We walked out of the store and back into the car. "Let's check the airport company for his mom." We drove there, and on the way we scheduled just a really brief appointment with his mom. We walked into the building and was led to her office.

"Hi, Min Hyuk. How may I help you?"
"Hi, we're here for some questions about your son. He's our... Friend."
"Ah, you're Hyun Woo's friends!" She didn't notice Sae Yeon..?

Sae Yeon POV
"Ah, you're Hyun Woo's friends!" She said without mention my status with her son.

"Hi, I'm Sae Yeon." Will she know now?
"Hi, Sae Yeon! So what were your questions?" Min Hyuk and I looked at each other confused.

She asked, "Is there a problem?"
"No, ma'am. It's just that, this girl is your son's girlfriend... Surely he's shown you pictures of her....?" Min Hyuk spoke up for me because I was still confused.
"What? Haha, no! You must've been mistaken, dears. He has a girlfriend, but the girl I met wasn't you. I'm pretty sure I'd recognize you, sweets. I'm sorry."
I replied, "No! It's fine. I've never met you before today either, so it's only right, haha. Do you possibly know where your son is at?"
"Umm, probably at the bar where his girlfriend works at."
"Yeah.. I'm not very fond of it either. I'd like it much better if you dated my son, beautiful girl. That girl he's dating is a rude wench."
"Haha, you flatter me! Are you... Possibly related to Ahn Hyo Jin?"
"Oh, my niece!"
"Niece... So Hyun Woo's cousin?"
"Yeah, but why is she suddenly in this conversation?"
"Because.. Uh... Um..." Min Hyuk stepped in and saved me, "She's my girlfriend! So we just wanted to make sure and ask Hyun Woo tomorrow if they're related."
"Oh, you shouldn't do that. They don't like each other, I've seen it with my eyes. They don't talk to each other at family dinners, they don't have each other's numbers saved, etc."

We finished the talk and left with goodbyes. "What kind of trick is he trying to pull in front of his mom, Min Hyuk?"
"Well it looks like she didn't even know about their small company."
"How did you know?"
"I snooped through her wallet to find her business card."
"And? No phone numbers? No address? No name?"
"Yes address, no phone numbers. It seems that you can only talk to them in person. I couldn't see the name because her business card was in another language. The address was too small for me to read and she was walking in on me anyways."

I nodded and we went away. "Let's go to his "girlfriend's" bar."

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