07 Love is in the Drunken Air!

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Sae Yeon's POV
Hyun Woo eventually just took me back into the tent I was staying in. I was supposed to use it alone, but since Ashley is here, I'll share. I moved some of my stuff to the side so she has space. Hyun Woo gave me some space and went back to his tent to get something. I was on Twitter, just ranting my heart out:

"For how long?"
"How can I trust you again?"
"I thought you were the one."
"What happened to, 'We're in this together!'?"

I stopped when something slipped through the tent opening. An envelope? I zipped open the tent to see no one around. I opened the letter to see an invitation,

You're invited to Ashley's night time crazy party! There'll be drinks and food. Free. Food. Exclusive to invitations only, meet in the cafeteria at 11pm QUIETLY.

This was cool and all, but I examined the envelope to see some white paper thing sticking to the middle. White-out?

I took a quarter from my bag and scratched it off, 'Lee Min Hyuk.' Coincidentally, as soon as I read it, Ashley walked in the tent.

"Hey! If you're feeling better, come over to my party later-- what?" She stared at the letter in my hands. She grabbed it and read it while rolling her eyes. "What a prick. He thinks I'm not gonna invite my best friend?" I smiled at the thought of Min Hyuk doing that for me.


I can't forgive him yet! I don't know the truth yet! Stop it, Sae Yeon. You're too soft. This is why you always get hurt... "I'll be there, for the drinks." Ashley cracked her knuckles and nodded.

"Great. Now, if you don't mind, I need to find a childhood friend that starts with Min and ends with Hyuk." She walked out and I could hear her yell, "YAH LEE MIN HYUK! DO I LOOK STUPID TO YOU?!" Her feet stomped the ground as she sprinted towards her prey.

------------ skip to 11pm -------
Ashley was getting ready in the tent with me. How sweet! She even brought me a dress! She zipped up my dress and was satisfied. As I zipped hers up, she started small talk,

"You know, I made an invitation for Lay oppa and Kyungsoo oppa forgetting that they stayed back in Korea!"

I laughed at her small mistake. I saw her in her dress and smiled, "You're beautiful."

She giggled, "Oh! You clever, buttering up the host." I scoffed and we made our way to the cafeteria in our hot dresses (multimedia).

Right when we walked in, the stench of alcohol hit us. Sung Jae came and escorted the host away, while Hyun Woo in his red suit offered me his hand. I held it as he took me to where our friends sat. Is this the cafeteria I sat in earlier today?!

I whispered to everyone on the table, "She did an amazing job decorating!"

Everyone nodded while looking around at the totally fancy looking cafeteria mess hall. Sung Jae went up to the mic, 'How did she get a stage up there?!'

"Ladies and gentlemen! I welcome you to Ashley's welcome back party & early farewell party! Unfortunately, we won't have time for her farewell party later soooo we'll just have it now. Kay? Kay. We have so drinks in the back, those marked with blue is infused with alcohol while the ones with red are not. Be responsible!" With that remark, he left and the DJ started the music.

Ashley made another quick remark, "Have fun, guys!" She ran down and sat at our table. "Hey, you sure we won't get caught? The music is blasting full volume in here," Chan asked.

"Full blast? We're not even! DJ BRING IT UP!" She yelled motioning upwards at the DJ. I guess he saw and flashed an OK sign as the music started getting louder. I looked at Ashley with a questioning face. "Don't worry! The teachers went out to buy groceries for tomorrow morning," she rose her glass, "A TOAST," we all rose our invisible glasses because we never got a chance to go to the back,"TO FREEDOM TEMPORARILY!"

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