Chapter 1

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Hi guys! So... first chapter!

Mollie awoke to the sound of screeching metal.

"Where am I?" she asked aloud, without an answer. Mollie suddenly realized, I can't remember anything! Why can't I remember anything! A single thought floated through her head, My name is Mollie.

The rest of the things I should remember, my family, my life, the world, Mollie couldn't remember anything about it. When she stood up and started to pace, she fell down. Mollie then realized her surroundings. She was enclosed in some type of metal box, and it was moving. 'Like an elevator...' she thought. Knowing it would be better to just wait it out, she leaned back against the wall of the box.

After what seemed to be at least two hours, the box lurched to a halt. Looking up, Mollie saw a blinding light, and it started to expand. Not knowing what was happening, I hid behind a crate. I wouldn't be noticeable to anyone above. Suddenly, I heard many voices erupt at once.

"Who is he?"

"I can't see anyone!"

"The shank must've klunked his pants and hid." "Must be a shuckfaced coward."

Everyone was silenced when someone entered the box. I peered out from my hiding spot to see a boy staring at me. "It's a girl!" He exclaimed in a thick accent. The crowd above erupted into chatter, yet the boy came closer to me. Mollie started to crawl away from him in fear. I don't know who any of these people are!

"Don't touch me!" Mollie hissed

"I don't want to hurt you, I promise. I just want to help you." He said, holding out his hand. Mollie stopped crawling away, and he came closer to me. She eyed him distrustfully, while he said, "Don't you want to come out of the Box?"

She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. He was tall, and he had blond hair, and square jaw. Mollie decided she could trust him. He shook my hand, and then looked up out of the box.

"Alby, toss down the rope!" He shouted, and she flinched a bit, causing the crowd above to laugh. The boy grabbed onto the rope, and nodded for her to grab on too. We were pulled up by Alby, as the boy called him. Alby was a muscular, dark skinned guy. He was much taller than me and the blondie. He said something to me, but I had zoned out. The entire crowd was talking, making strange remarks.

"A girl? Why a girl?"

"Is she hot?"

"I call dibs!"

"No way, she's mine!"

"There's not any chance you're getting me to work with a shuckface girl." All of a sudden, she realized why the remarks were so strange. It was all boys. Mollie was snapped back to reality when someone put their hand on her shoulder. She flinched and spun around quickly, and realized it was only the boy who helped her out of the box.

"You okay?" he asked Mollie. I must've missed quite a bit while I was zoned out. She just blinked, and started walking away. Mollie had to push her way through the crowd, because most of the guys wouldn't move out of the way. Alby

and the boy went after her, and she sat down under a tree.

As they got closer, Mollie started to freak out. Why did they follow me here? I just want to be alone! Leave me alone! I don't trust any of you!

The boy and Alby inched closer to her, while she glared at them. "Hey, hey it's alright. We only want to help...Can you tell us if you remember anything else?" the boy said gently. Mollie felt that she could trust him, just a little. So, she closed her eyes and dug through her brain for any scrap of information about her past. A thought popped in her head. Gally. I have a brother named Gally.

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