Chapter 7

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So, she will tell them at the end of this chapter that she has her memories back, cuz I'm sorta bored of writing about it. Kay?

Newt led Mollie to Frypan's kitchen for some food, and led her to a table with Minho and Gally. "So, why am I the only girl? Can anyone tell me why everyone seems.. awkward around me? I know it's not just because I'm the only girl." Mollie asked. That was one of the things she still didn't know.

"I don't know Mollie. You were here before, but then something started controlling you, forcing you to jump in the Box. Previously, you had hurt your ankle falling out of a tree, so I guess they wanted to fix it. They took your memories too." Gally said, a ring of sadness in his voice.

"Did I know you well," Mollie paused, "Gally?".

"Yeah. Hey you know what, I'll talk to you later okay?" Gally had finished his dinner, so he deposited his tray to Frypan before walking away. Mollie stared at him as he made his way to the Homestead. Why oh why must he go! I want him to help me... He's such a jerk, he'll get it when I tell him I remember.

After they had finished, Newt walked her to her room in the Homestead. "Here's your room Mollie, I know you don't remember, but you designed your dresser, " Mollie fake gasped as Newt continued, "You were a Builder with you brother Gally."

I have to act like I don't know. Ugh. "I have a brother?" Mollie shrieked.

"Oh, he never told you! Oops. Well, he's taking it sorta hard, he'll tell you eventually. Don't say I said anything!" Newt said as he mentally facepalmed. As he hurried from the room, Mollie couldn't help thinking, He's certainly nicer than he was the first time... I wonder...

Mollie started interrogating herself, Do I like him? Yes, he's a very likeable person. In what way? her mind whispered. Then, Mollie heard someone knocking on her door, it was Gally. "Come in."

"Mollie, do you really not remember me?" Mollie narrowed her eyes and squinted at him. "Hm." Gally turned to leave, but Mollie jumped in front of him before he got to the doorway. Her eyes flickered to the beetle blade sitting in the room, and mouthed, 'Meet me in the Deadheads at sunrise.' He nodded with a knowing look, and walked out of the room.

Mollie sighed as he left, hearing his footsteps echo down the hall. I'd better get some sleep to meet Gally that early in the morning. Mollie laid down on her bed and let sleep overtake her.

~~~The Morning~~~

Note: This is when Mollie will remember some stuff because of WICKED. Please refer to the previous chapter if you don't understand.

Mollie walked down the stairs of the Homestead, treading carefully over sleeping boys. She finally got past them and sprinted across the Glade to the Deadheads. Wow. I wonder if I can be a Runner, I'm pretty fast... Never mind. Gally would throw a fit if I went into the Maze.

By the time Mollie found Gally, breakfast was starting, so they both agreed to make it quick. "Gally, I do remember. I think I remember more actually. When I told ya'll I didn't have my memories, I think it fooled the Creators too. They probably turned up my memory flow, and now I remember stuff. Nothing useful."

He came forward and hugged her. "I knew it." Gally mumbled in her shirt. "But why didn't you tell us?"

"I... was hoping you'd help. I'm pranking them, but I didn't plan anything because I didn't think I'd make it this far." Mollie said.

"Oh, I see. What do you want to do exactly though?You can't have all this for nothing."

"I could though!I could just show up at breakfast and randomly remember everything."

"Let's shock Newt! Do you have any memories of him?"

Mollie just stared at him. She didn't want Gally, or anyone to know about her past. In her past, she was a cruel, evil person. Mollie gulped and whispered, "A little."

Gally noticed her change in mood and instantly looked concerned, "Mol, you okay?" Mollie nodded weakly. "So what do you remember about Newt?"

"Uh, his birthday is May 16." Mollie said.

"Is that it?" Mollie looked at him, He hated me. Newt hated me. All of them will if they ever find out.

Tears started involuntarily running down her cheeks as she remembered what she did to her friends. "Mollie, you have to tell me what's wrong."

"You.. and Newt... the rest of them... all of you hated me before I came here. All of you. I did awful things. I.." Mollie stuttered.

"Shhh. It's okay. I don't blame you, who you were in the past doesn't matter anymore." Gally said reassuringly. But it does, Mollie thought. She shook it off and told Gally a little more about Newt, enough to shock him.

The two devised a plan to grab some cupcakes from Frypan and pretend it's Newt's birthday. Haha. They still don't know it's the day before Christmas. Mollie and Gally got the cupcakes, and showed up at breakfast as Newt was finishing.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEWT!!!" they screamed in his face. He toppled over in his chair, leaving Minho and Ben to crack up.

So I'm ending here, cuz the next chapter is Newt's POV and his reaction. Don't forget to vote and comment!(if you want to)

The Truth: TMR Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें