Chapter 5

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2nd update today!

Mollie heard voices around her, and struggled to sit up. her body wouldn't respond, so she gave up and tuned into the voices around her. She heard Newt and Gally in the room.

"I hope she wakes up soon." Newt said.

"Yeah I do too. It's been 5 days already. the med-jacks are starting to wonder if she'll ever wake up." Gally said. It's been 5 days? Wow.

"I never got to tell her.." Newt started. What did he never tell me?

"You never got to tell her what?" Gally asked Newt.

"Never mind." Newt said. Mollie could tell Gally was frustrated with that, but he luckily decided not to push it. Wait!I wonder if I can still talk to Newt. Mollie tried calling out to him.

Newt gasped as she succeeded. Newt? Can you hear me? I'm not quite sure if it works while I'm not awake. Mollie said sarcastically.

Mollie! We've all been so worried about you. How come you can't wake up? I know you would if you could.

Yeah, just too lazy. Mollie replied sarcastically. Actually, I think I'm in some sort of coma. I got some memories back.

Really? Newt asked.

Yeah really. Do you think I asked that just for fun? Come on Newt! I'm not that cruel. Mollie paused as she remembered how cruel she had been in her memory and inwardly shuddered. I'm really bored. Gally's voice penetrated their conversation.

"Newt, dude, what's happening? One second you're talking to me and then next you're staring at Mollie like she's legit talking to you!" Gally exclaimed.

Well I am. Nice guess Gally. Mollie said to Newt.

"Actually, Gally there's something I need to tell you. Mollie and I can speak telepathically. The reason I was looking at her like that was because we were having a conversation." Newt said as he shifted awkwardly on the bed.

"Oh wow. Dude, I believe you but why didn't you tell me sooner?" Gally said astonished.

"You said you didn't want any guy to touch her so... I've been respecting that." Newt said sadly.

Oh did he? He'll regret saying that. When I wake up the first thing I'll tell him is that I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! Gally has no right, the arrogant slinthead. Mollie said to Newt. She heard laugh and felt Gally's confused stare trained on her.

"What did she say to you?" Gally asked Newt suspiciously.

"She just... said 'Oh did he? He'll regret saying that. When I wake up the first thing I'll tell him is that I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!'" Newt said quoting me between fits of laughter.

"Well...Hm. No guy may touch her still. I know she'll fight me on that but she needs protecting." Gally said.

I do not! Mollie screamed in her mind. She felt Newt flinch next to her and said, Sorry. Can you wake me up now?

And how am I supposed to do that? Newt asked.

The way you did last time. Mollie replied.


A team of scientists sat watching the Maze. Two ladies watched a monitor with Newt and Mollie on it. Teresa was watching the subtext of the conversation between Mollie and Newt in their heads.

"Mrs. Paige, we need to extract her." Teresa said.


"Her ankle. Our plans for her cannot be with her having a limp."

"Okay. We will extract her now. When Newt wakes her up, control her. Then, she will walk to the Box, jump in, then we will send it down."

"Yes Mrs. Paige."


As soon as Newt kissed her her eyes fluttered open. "Hi." Gally hugged her, but as soon as he let go she started to get chills in her spine.

"Mollie, are you okay? You just look really pale." Newt asked.

"I..I'm fine." Mollie said.

***WICKED starts controlling her***

Mollie felt tears run down her face. What? Why can't I move? Gally and Net were looking at her oddly and she tried to say, This isn't me! Mollie panicked as her body moved. Whoever was controlling her had her run out of the Homestead and towards the Box. Why am I moving? Stop!

Mollie saw Newt and Gally running after her as she opened the Box. Why is the box here? It's not supposed to be here for another 3 days! Mollie tried to fight against it to be free, to no avail. Her body jumped into the Box, and it started slowly moving down. She shut the top of the Box.

Mollie saw two faces looking at her from above in shock calling to her. Their faces got smaller and smaller until she couldn't hear them anymore. Tears streamed down her face and she called out to Newt, There was nothing I could do. He didn't reply.

*** WICKED stops controlling her***

Mollie sank to the floor as she regained control of her movements. What have I done? The image of her brother looking at her in anguish was burned into her mind. Suddenly, a wave of tiredness crashed over her. She was too weak to resist, and let her mind float into the blackness.

AN: Did you guys like it? She needs to get her ankle fixed, but she'll be back in the Glade soon don't worry. Any ship names for Newt and Mollie?

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