Chapter 12

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Only a couple more chapters of drama before everything settles down a bit...


The memory sped up, making it only seem seconds before I glanced at the clock. 4:00. I walked up and down white hallways with ease, making me seem like I was once familiar with the maze of white. I came to a door marked Conference Room 1.

This was the room I betrayed my brother, I realized. Nevertheless, I opened the door to find Ava sitting at the end of the table. She put a notebook on the table, my diary. I froze, just earlier today I had written my true opinion of WICKED in it. If they had found out about that, they'd kill me. I gulped, staring at the diary held by my aunt.

"Mollie, why?" Ava said while holding up the journal. "You are now a threat, hopefully, you'll come to your senses shortly. Janson will be taking your place as second in command until then." I didn't care, that position didn't matter to me anymore, but what she said next did. I should've been more careful with my diary.

"Mollie, you are being sent into the Maze, I never wanted to do this, but it's for the best. " Guards came in the room and dragged me out. Ava followed us to the room with the tubes. As the water rose, a tear slipped down my cheek. I never thought Ava would do this to me, and this just proves WICKED is bad.

flashback end

I blinked open my eyes, and found Newt shaking me. Alby stood on the other side of the room, looking very apologetic. "Mollie? It's been an hour and you were thrashing around like crazy, so I decided to wake you up."

"I'm fine, just a little sore is all."

"Did you learn anything new?" Newt asked gently. Alby perked up a little at the mention of this and he listened in. He grabbed his notepad to jot down anything I said.

"Well..." I scoffed at him. "I'm here as a punishment for what I wrote in a shucking journal entry! I don't know why I was so dumb..." I mumbled.

"Okay...Let's go get some dinner yeah?" Newt said. I liked how he tried to act like everything was okay. We walked across to Frypan's kitchen, where Gally was waiting for me.

"Hey Mollie! How was your day?" I just mumbled hello and plopped down next to him. All during dinner he tried starting up a conversation with me, but I just zoned out.

"I'm gonna get some sleep, okay?" I said as I deposited my dishes to Frypan. They waved goodbye and I made my way to the Homestead. I had about three little beetle blades following me, and I stared at each one. Is that how they watch us? Are they cameras?

I made my way up the stairs in the Homestead, then up to my room. It seemed so empty...I wonder what my room looked like back in WICKED... I shut my eyes and the world faded away.

{{This next part is a nightmare but she doesn't know that}}

"Mollie! Mollie wake up!" Newt yelled at me, practically pulling me out of the bed. What does he want? I thought.

"W-What's happening?"

He looked at me like I was crazy. "We just got out of a council meeting... We're Banishing you Mollie. I mean, we all hate you anyway. You're a threat to peace in the Glade."

Tears streamed down my face as I fought him. He expertly pinned my hands behind my back as he dragged me all the way out to the Doors. He grabbed the last pole and started pushing me toward the Maze with the other Keepers.

"Please! Why Gally? Did you vote for this? You can't possibly let them!" I yelled, struggling against the posts.

"Mollie, I was the one who suggested this. Revenge is sweet." He laughed evilly as all the Keepers gave one final shove, leaving me in the Maze for the night. I cried, until the world gave in to black.

I screamed until my voice gave out. Gally came into my room first but I shoved him away. I cried into my pillow, as Newt came in. He looked at me sobbing on the bed, while Gally just shrugged, obviously clueless. Newt walked over to my bed and wrapped his arms around me. He was comforting, and I cried into his shoulder. As if things couldn't get any worse when...

Mollie! You can't tell anyone about your dream! That girl Teresa said in my head.

Well why not! I replied quickly while stiffening up. Newt seemed to notice this too.

If you tell them, they might remember. Might remember hating you. she said..

"You alright?" Newt said uneasily.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a nightmare." I said.

"Well okay. Sleep well little sis." Gally said as he left the room. I could tell he was confused about me shoving him... but oh well.

Newt got up to leave, but I grabbed his arm. He looked at me, confused. "Please...Stay." I whispered. He nodded and we settled on the bed together. He wrapped his arms around me, and I could feel his heartbeat through his shirt. I felt safe, wrapped in his arms.

Sleep overtook me, but for the first time since I came here, I didn't dream.

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