Chapter 14

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This is what happens when you force yourself to write with a writers block, then decide to rush yourself.

It was a new day, and an awful one I might add. Want to know why? Here's why.


After Gally had gotten stung, he went through the Changing. The screams were intolerable, so I stayed away from the Homestead most of the time. When he finally asked to see me, it wasn't in a good way. You know how when you go through the Changing you remember some stuff?

The Creators were ever so kind, and gave him all the bad memories he had of me. I slowly entered the room, and he snapped his head to face me. I dragged Newt in with me, just in case.

I could see the indecision in his eyes. He loved me a lot, but he hated me a lot too. His eyes darkened with hate as he spat, "Mollie how could you? I hate you! I never want to talk to you ever again!"

Tears streamed down my face and Newt drew me closer. I had half-believed he would realize that I'm not the same person anymore, but he clearly didn't. I knew without a second glance that I'd have to get a new job. You really don't want to work with someone that hates you right?

flashback end

The new Gally isn't my brother anymore... He's cruel, and very mean. Gally and Alby called a council meeting for the Keepers, to decide what new job I'd get, since he didn't want to work with me anymore. Most of the Keepers were clueless as to why he suddenly hated me so much, but they received a glare from me telling them to keep their mouths shut.

"This meeting has started!" Alby yelled over the banter. Everyone quickly silenced as Gally rose to address them.

"I think Mollie should be a Runner." Gally said coldly. I looked at him, astonished. Being a Runner is an honor! Then, it dawned on me. A Runner is a very dangerous job, and before, he's never let me step foot in the Maze. He wanted me to die in the Maze. Oh great.

"Um. Okay." Alby said, clearly shocked as well. Judging from the other Keeper's expressions, they were expecting me to be a Med jack or something. "Anyone else have any suggestions?" The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Minho, what do you think?" Alby asked. "I think she'd make a great Runner." He said glancing at me sympathetically. He knew Gally's real intention behind this, and I believed if I became a Runner he'd make sure I was safe.

"What do the rest of you think?" Alby asked, frowning. A chorus of ayes and yes's answered him. "Well okay then. Mollie, you're now a Runner. You will run with Minho until he finishes your training, then after that you'll run on your own." Newt looked a little unhappy about the mention of me running alone, but I shook my head, indicating it was okay.

"This meeting is adjourned." Alby said, then he walked out of the council hall. I stood there, until Newt dragged me out, insisting I ate some dinner. I barely touched Frypan's mystery stew that night. It felt weird not having Gally on the other side of the table, since he was now with his Builder friends.

Tomorrow was my first day as a Runner, oh great. I headed up to bed, and about an hour later, Newt came into my room. He wordlessly slipped into my bed and I snuggled against him. I felt safe, so I drifted to sleep.

"Rise and shine!" Minho yelled as he burst through the door. We got breakfast, then ran. My days of the next... 2 months were exactly like this. Wake up, run with either Newt or Minho(usually Minho), make a map, study the maps, have Newt drag me to dinner, claim to have a headache and go back to the Map Room, fall asleep, then mysteriously appear in my bed the next morning. I now knew the maps as well as Minho, I hadn't stopped studying them, looking for patterns.

Gally never talked to me, he kept his distance. I think it was for the best. Newt and Minho became my best friends... they were always there for me. When I woke up this morning, two months after he was stung, I got up to go in the Maze, for the first time, alone.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mollie?" Newt asked for the millionth time. He had been a little more antsy lately, I wonder why.

"Honestly Newt, I'm fine." I replied, shifting my pack on my shoulders. I was a little nervous, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I shouldn't be nervous, because Minho and I had been practicing sword skills, and evasive maneuvers in the Glade.

"Kay. Stay safe." He turned and pecked me on the cheek, leaving me to run my section, 7. The day passed as normal, although it was quite lonely, having nobody to talk to. I paused, the air around me seemed to thicken. What was happening? I heard an earsplitting scream erupt to my right, in Newt's section.

I ran and ran, finding him dangling by his ankle, caught in the vines. He was unconscious. I cut him down and weighed my options. Minho's section was too far away, I couldn't ask him for help. The Doors closed in 30 minutes, just enough time for me to make it back alone. Regardless, I pulled him along, using a shortcut Minho found the other day. The Doors were closing, and I saw a crowd of Gladers cheering us on. A Griever was also slowly advancing behind us, knowing it had us pinned.

Time seemed to slow as I pushed Newt through the Doors, then I turned to face the Griever, waiting to die. It didn't attack. The whole night went like this, it was like they couldn't see me. There was 30 minutes till the Doors open, I started to head back when a Griever charged at me. What? I was so shocked, I didn't react when it plunged a syringe in my stomach. I cried out in pain as the world faded around me.


It had been 3 days. 3 days since I tried to kill myself. 3 days since Mollie risked her life for mine. I refused to believe she was dead. There has been no trace of her yet. I would get out of this place, and find her. I think the Creators had her, locked up in some sick white room.

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