Chapter 9

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I'll be writing in 1st person from now on, it's easier. Remember, Newt is still a Runner, this is before he got his limp.


"Nothing unusual here Alby!" I said quickly. Throwing a glance Newt's way, you could easily tell otherwise. He was sorta slouched like a dead fish in his chair.

"Sure. Get to work okay?" Alby said as he walked away. Newt slowly got up and followed suit. Minho left for the Maze leaving just Gally and I. I watched Newt as he ran into the Maze...

"Mollie? Mollie you're staring!" Gally said impatiently.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little loopy is all."

"Let's get to work okay?"

"Yep." My mind drifted all day, Newt occupying my thoughts. He was so sweet, yet he would hate me if he had his memories back. Tears formed in my eyes as I thought about all of the Gladers, even Gally, hating me for what I'd done. I put them here. I designed the Maze. The words echoed in my head as my head swam. I suddenly felt really tired. Why am I tired? It's just after lunch!

I tried to call out to Gally, but I don't think he heard me... I dropped the basket I was weaving, and it unraveled on the ground. I heard someone shout my name before I gave in to the impending darkness.


I was seven, and standing in a white office. Gally, Alby, and Newt stood to one side, across the room. Two girls stood next to me, the same age.

"Mollie, Isabella, and Abigail, have you come to your decisions?" Ava asked.

Isabella swapped a quick glance with Abigail, if you'd blinked you would've missed it. She said, "Ava I'm not going to do it. I will never betray my brother."

"Neither will I." Abigail said hesitantly. Alby and Newt looked relieved, but Gally was still staring at me. I stayed silent as a wave of panic came over me. Ava stepped forward menacingly.

"Are you sure about this girls? I'm only going to ask you one more time."

"Very well. Mollie, what about you?" Ava asked. Images of a ruined world flashed through my mind, I could see them as clearly as if they happened yesterday. Mommy going crazy, then Daddy. Cranks that were once on T.V. became our neighbors. Auntie took me here, to a safe place. Said she and some others were gonna find a cure, gonna make one if they had to. They gathered all of us here for an experiment.

I didn't want to see anyone else go crazy. I wanted to find the Cure. All the other kids disliked me a little, cause I got special treatment as Ava's niece. Gally never hung out with Auntie, like the rest of them, they hated being here. Couldn't they see they were gonna find a Cure? Isn't that a good thing?

When they asked Isabella, Tommy, Teresa, Abigail, and I if we'd design an experiment, Tommy and Teresa said yes immediately. Something bound those two together tightly, and even though Tommy didn't want to experiment on teenagers, he at least understood the importance of finding a Cure.

I don't know why I hesitated. Perhaps it was because Izzy and Abby didn't want to. They said they'd think about it, but they were obviously going to say no. Auntie told me there would be dire consequences for not complying, although I can't imagine what they'd do to us. We're kids!

Gally begged me not to do it. If I started to design the experiment, he said they'd brainwash me, said they'd not let me talk to him. I felt bad. Auntie said if I helped, I'd get to be a scientist with a lab coat and everything! But I'd have to 'betray' them. Designing the experiment was literally writing a death warrant for most of them. Including him. He knew that.

I glanced guiltily at Gally, his fist were clenched and his eyes begged me to say no. I looked at Auntie, and whispered with a heavy heart, "I'll do it."

"No! You betrayed me! I hate you! I'm no brother of yours!" Gally roared.

Tears streamed down my face as guards came in the room and ushered the boys out. Ava turned to look at the three of us, and she gestured for me to stand beside her. I did, but when I looked back at my friends, they had guns pointed at their heads by the guards.

"Mollie." Auntie said gently. "They had their chance." I watched as the guards shoved them against the wall. "You must repeat after me." Ava instructed.

"Terminate them." Ava said.

"T..Terminate th..them." I copied slowly.

"Good girl." Ava said. Just before the guard shot her, Isabella turned around and looked at me with eyes that shone of betrayal. They thought I would stick with them. Their screams filled the air and gunshots rang out. Newt was watching from behind a glass window. I couldn't hear him through the glass, but he mouthed, 'I hate you'.

I broke down in tears and the memory ended.

I woke up in the Glade screaming. I did this! Tears streamed down my face as I wailed, getting caught in the sheets of my bed. Gally ran into the room, trying to cuddle me. I sobbed into his shoulder, knowing someday he'd remember the past. Someday he'd hate me for what I did.

Newt peeked in the door, "Everything alright in here?" Something about the way he said that made me burst into tears again. He'd hate me too. I started having a panic attack, I couldn't breathe, I was hyperventilating. I managed to gasp, "I remember..." I felt Gally carry me to what I assumed was the Med-jacks room, and I fell limp.


"Everything alright in here?" I said. Mollie's eyes widened and she sobbed in Gally's shoulder. Something's not right. She started to struggle to breath when Gally carried her to the Med-jacks room down the hall. Once we arrived, she fell limply on the bed.

"I'll stay and watch her." I offered.

"Good that. Wake me if she comes to." Gally said.

Mollie started mumbling in her sleep as Alby walked in. "Shhh... she's dreaming. Let's write down what she says." Alby tiptoed over to the edge of the bed and started jotting down what she said. Suddenly, Mollie gasped and fell into a more sound sleep.

"What did she say Alby?" His eyes darkened as he stared at the paper.

"It seems as if she's remembering things."

"She did say that she was remembering before she went out." I recalled.

"Well, okay. We'll ask her for details when she wakes up. As for what she said, these words, "planning... complete... done... first..."Does that ring a bell?"

"No, sorry."

"Let's get some rest, see you in the morning."

"I'm going to stay and watch her."

"Well alright. Goodnight then." He walked out of the room, shutting the door softly.

I looked over at the bed, where Mollie was now peacefully resting. She looked so pretty, and younger when she slept. I went to the window, and started looking at the stars. I hope we get outta here soon.

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