Chapter 10

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"Ava! She's remembering!" An assistant yelled.

"What do we do? This has never happened before."

Ava walked into the room, seemingly unfazed by the situation. "She won't tell them. She can't reveal anything without it triggering their memories causing them to hate her, she's never do that. It'll all work out fine."


As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew this was another memory. I was standing at a long white conference table with Tommy and Teresa. We looked to be 14. Stacks of paper surrounded us in every direction, we were all exhausted.

"Teresa! Have you finished planning their escape?" Tommy called.

"Yep, hey Mol, have you finished the Griever design?"Teresa replied.

"I've finished that and the Griever sting serum." I replied.

"Very good. I need you over here now. You have to approve Gally's betrayal of the rest of the Subjects." My eyes started to water at the mention of my brother. He and all the Subjects avoided me now, hated me. Newt and Alby especially, since I had killed their sisters.

"O-Okay." I stuttered. I stood up and carefully walked over to Teresa's workstation. On her desk was Chuck's death warrant. and the worst part Mollie, is that it actually needs your signature!my mind whispered. I shakily took the pen and signed.

"Phase One planning is now complete! Let's take a break!" Tommy yelled as he bolted from the room. He was on better terms with the Subjects, and although they were a little suspicious of him, they all were friends.

"Well, now that we're done with that, when do we plan the next phase? When do we send the first Subjects in the Mazes?"

Teresa tapped her foot on the floor, thinking. "Well, first we have to Purge the staff." She paused, her eyes glistening in sadness. I understood her, these people had raised us."Then, we get new staff. Should be a year before we send the first ones up. Planning for Phase 2 starts the day after tomorrow." She left the room, leaving me doubting all of this. What if we don't find the Cure after all?

Then the dream ended.

I fluttered open my eyes to find myself in the Med-Jacks room. Then I remembered my dream. If I don't tell them, they'll never know. I thought. They deserve to know, but I can tell them later. I scanned the room, finding Newt asleep by the window. Judging by the light filtering through the window, it was a little before breakfast.

I tried calling to him, but my throat was parched. I reached over for the glass of water by my bed, grasping it, downing it quickly. "Newt!" I said.

He instantly jolted awake, looking all confused. He looks so cute when he does that. my mind said. Stop thinking like that! "Get Gally for me will you?" He nodded and set off down the hall. Moments later, Gally burst into the room.

"Mollie! You're okay!" Gally said as he hugged me. "What happened to you?"

"Just a bad dream is all." I lied. Newt had re-entered the room, and was watching us.

"You know that's not true Mollie. You said 'I remember' right before you went out. Alby and I wrote down some of the things you said in your sleep." My face instantly paled, a look of fear crept on my face. They can't find out! My eyes widened as I stared at Newt's figure in the doorway.

"Shh..It's okay." Gally said while sending a glare at Newt. "I found this for you. It was in one of the boxes." He pulled out a little white packet. I opened it to find a little key. The key to my locket. My hands instantly went to my neck. I took the key and unlocked it. In it was a picture of what I assumed to be Mom and Dad.

"Wow..." Gally said. "I'm gonna go get breakfast now, want to come?"

"Yes please." We went to Frypan's kitchen and got our breakfast of pancakes. I noticed he put a little extra syrup on mine. We sat down at our usual table, and Minho was already waiting for us.

"So, what're we doing today Gally?" I asked.

Newt butted in, "Actually, you're not working with him today."

"Why not? I feel fine." I replied. I really did feel fine, there was no reason I couldn't work today.

"No, no it's not that. You're spending the day with Alby and I. You're going to tell us what you saw. It could help us." Newt said. I gulped, What am I gonna tell them? "Meet me in the Homestead when you're done. With that, he got up and left.

"I'd better get off too. I have to run double sections today with Newt taking the day off." He left, then Gally turned to me to wish me luck. He could read me like an open book, he could tell I was scared. I deposited my plate on Frypan's counter then started to make my way over to the Homestead.

Newt met me halfway there. "Hey cheer up aye? It's not like we'll judge you for what you saw." I glared at him and stomped ahead thinking, Well you got that wrong. He stopped me right outside the door. I tried to push past him but he kept blocking the door.

"Look at me okay Mollie? It'll all turn out alright." He said as he held the door open. I slowly walked up the stairs to my room, where Alby was waiting, leaning on the dresser. I cautiously sat down on the bed, and Newt took his place next to Alby.

"Alright. Spill." Alby said with his arms crossed.

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