Chapter 11

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"Well..." I paused. My mind was screaming:WHAT CAN I TELL THEM WITHOUT THEM HATING ME!!!!!! I settled with, "I remember a girl named Teresa. And a boy named Thomas, although I called him Tommy."

I took a deep breath then continued, "I... know a little of what the world's like on the outside." I tried to be as vague as possible, something told me not to tell them everything, "A lot of the stuff I saw is irrelevant to... us in the Maze."

"Mollie, we heard you mumble some words. they were: planning... complete... done... first... Do any of those ring a bell?" Alby asked. I gulped. That must have been in the memory with Teresa. I collected myself and replied, "That does not concern you." He grunted and shook his head.

"Mollie, let's just get this over with. I'm sure the things you saw weren't awful now were they." That statement sent images rushing through my head causing me to get a little dizzy. I fell back on the bed.


"Now look what you've done!" I whisper-shouted at Alby. She sat up now, propped on pillows. Tears gathered in her eyes as she was remembering.

"Can you go on?" I said gently. I could see her push her fear away and nod stiffly.

"Some of the things I remember do not concern you right now, okay?" she said. I could tell she was hiding something, something terrible. She probably wanted to hide it for good reasons, and I respect that.

"Was I in your memories?" Alby asked.

She hesitated then whispered, "Yes, Newt and you were there."

"Why were we there? What did we do in your memory?"

"Memories." She corrected. "The first one was only really with you Alby. I walked in white rooms, white corridors. I got to a room, with all of you guys in it. I took you from the room... I sent you here Alby. I put you in the Box." Mollie curled into a ball sobbing. Alby and I stared at each other with unreadable expressions.

"Mollie, you said you saw Newt there too. What was he doing there? Was he in a different one?"

"His memory is not relevant Alby, although he was in the room I collected you in."

"Did he say anything?"

"He and Gally said the words that broke my heart." She sobbed.


"Ava! She's telling them!" the assistant shouted.

"Knock her out...Have Alby do it." Ava ordered.


"Is that all you have to tell us?" Alby asked. I was so done with this. I hadn't planned to tell them as much as I did but...I nodded numbly and crawled under the sheets of my bed. Quickly I added, "It's Christmas Day today."

"Mollie, I'm going to knock you out now. Every time you sleep you have little flashbacks. We need more." Alby swung his fist to my temple, and the last thing I saw was Newt yelling at Alby.


I was walking down the same white long corridor. I came to the room with the Subjects and wearily opened the door. Two guards followed me in, their Launchers loaded. I didn't want to do this anymore. I was done with WICKED. They meant good... but the Trials were so much harsher than they seemed on paper! No... WICKED must be good. I need to take a break; set my mind straight.

I looked at the clipboard in my hand, dreading what I knew was coming. "Newt." I called out. The guards grabbed him as he spat and fought against them.

"Don't let them do this Mollie." he yelled as the guard dragged him down the hall. I closed the door, slightly saddened because I hadn't caught a glimpse of Gally. He must be in Training.

We came to the glass tube chamber, and looked at him sadly. I tried to convey with my eyes that I didn't want to do this to him, but he paid no attention. He never forgave me about Isabella, I realized. "Step in the circle." I ordered.

The guard threw him in the circle as the tube shot down. I pressed a button, and the tube started to fill with water. This isn't right, I realized. After I put him in the Box, a trudged back to my office. The title Assistant Director, which I had worked so hard for, been so proud of, didn't seem so great anymore. A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I said wearily. Two more hours. Two hours of work left.

I had been expecting Janson, or even Ava to come in. When Tommy came in; I was surprised. Wasn't he on surveillance duty this afternoon? I glanced at the schedule; he was supposed to be on duty.

"Tommy! You can't just leave your post to see me you know." I said accusingly. I loved him; but he did have a record of leaving his duties early.

He winked at me and said, "Teresa said she'd cover for me." His voice became more serious as he said, "You know this isn't right. All of it."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" I tried to play off. I knew he could see straight through me, he knew that I knew what he was talking about.

"They found out about me not wanting to do this anymore. They're putting me in the Maze, I found out."

"Well at least they aren't terminating you for treason.." I murmured. "That is policy."

"I've sent the Right Arm the coordinated of all our outposts and experiments."

"You did what!" I shrieked. "You're gonna get in so much trouble... You.."

"Yeah Mollie? I'm gonna die anyway in that bloody Maze!" he yelled. He immediately covered his mouth and glanced to the camera. "I'm glad I had Teresa disable that."

"You deactivated the camera?" I questioned.

"Yeah well look. Mollie I found something you're not going to be happy with."

"What are you talking about? I have access to all documents."

"Just because you have access to them doesn't mean you've read them all. Fine! I'll let you figure out on your own. Go to conference room 1 at 4:00 today." With that he walked out, slamming the door behind him. 

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