Chapter 15

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A/N: Hi! Sorry for lack of updates. Just so people know, this does not match the events in The Fever Code, as I started this book before that was published. This chapter is from before Mollie is put in the Maze. Till next time --

Mollie walked through the halls of WICKED scanning the plaques of the doors for Conference Room No.1. This was the room where she'd finally discover what would affect her for the rest of her life. She slowly opened the door to find her aunt, Ava Paige sitting behind a table with a friendly smile. She gestured for Mollie to sit so they could look at the file she had placed on the table.

"Ah my dear. I assume you're eager to get started?" Ava opened the file, and took out a stack of papers. They had what looked like instructions on them, "Mollie, you have a mission. You were not allowed to know about it until now because we feared you might try... something... due to your access to all parts of WICKED's compounds. No questions until afterward."

Mollie just nodded silently. She would finally know her purpose! She had waited so long! I knew they had something planned for me but I could never quite lay a finger on it. I don't see why they couldn't tell me...I'm a manager. It's not like I'd tell anyone else.

She knew it had something to do with the Maze Trials... She had asked who was next to go up in Group A's box and no one would tell her, so that must be it. Mollie had also been training to run in the Maze, and had spent the majority of her recent shifts learning the ways of the Gladers.

Ava took a deep breath, then continued, "You, will be sent into Group A's Maze Experiment. You will be going in a year and a half before Teresa. You know that Subject A5 isn't immune correct?"

Mollie simply nodded, Why would she ask me that? I was one of the Originals after all! I can't believe my destiny has something to do with Newt. Ugh, he's so annoying.

We must have controls in our experiment so you will do everything Teresa does to Thomas. So you will be betraying him alongside Teresa in the Scorch, but in order for us to get the correct brain patterns of you, you must fall in love with Newt with your memories wiped. There's plenty more in the folder, which you can keep. Please don't lose it, it's the only copy." Ava stated before walking to the door. Before she left her stunned niece, she said, "I am truly sorry my dear. I never planned for you to be part of the Experiments but I know that you will fulfill your part in this to find the Cure." With that, she walked out the door shutting it with a bang behind her.

I have to make Newt love me? That ain't happening. We both hate each other! Newt hates me for the drowning experiment and I... hate him because...well.. I don't really know. Mollie pulled up her watch's FaceTime and called Ava. They stared at each other before Ava exclaimed, "Oh! I didn't give you a chance to ask questions... Have any?"

"Um...I'm not quite sure I can fall in love with Newt, I don't even really like him that much. I want to fulfill my role but this seems too hard." Mollie said.

"Anything can happen without your memories... but oh sweetie, are you really that dumb? Remember, we're letting you keep your telepathy with Teresa, and you can tell her if you're having difficulties. We can step in and take over from there. I thought you would know that out of anyone."

Mollie stared at her, shocked. There was a chance she could die in the Maze, didn't her mother care at least a little bit? She was one of the most important at WICKED for goodness sakes. She had helped design the Maze, and the memory loss serum, did they dare treat her like this now? But then, she'd give her life for the Trials that were saving them all anyways so... and her mother and Teresa would never let her actually die, or would they? For the good of the Trials? Ava's voice cut into her thoughts.

"You'll be fine! Teresa will go through the same thing and you two can help each other. Well, I have to go now... Stay there for a few okay? You need to read over the details of your mission. I promise nothing you do while your memories are gone will be held against you. We know the Subjects in Phase 1 hate us so we wouldn't be surprised if it rubs off on you." Ava finished. The watch screen went back to it's home screen.

Me? Hating WICKED? No way. This was all crazy, me being in the Maze forgetting my memories with the memory loss serum I created myself. Why, I'd even fight the Grievers she designed as a school project. Mollie wished she could stay, she had a good life here. Friends, family, community. She truly believed WICKED was good, and she wanted to save her dad, and her friend Melissa before it was too late. They had the Flare and couldn't survive more than a month without the Cure. If the Trials gave them the Cure, they might be saved in the nick of time.

Mollie sighed and read over the file again and gaped at some of the details. She was to go into the Maze today? She set the file on the table. Why couldn't they have at least given her some prep time... The next thing she knew, guards came and dragged her away, into the Box, into the Maze. The last thing she saw was Teresa telling her it'd all be okay and that she'd always be there for her, and then the world faded from view.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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