The dance or naw

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Starfire's POV

Oh robin I would love to go dance out tonight. Robin got so excited I'm guessing he was nervous at first to ask me but you know when he is nervous. So I got dressed in my pink dress and Robin in his black tuxedo and we ride on his motorcycle again.

Robin's POV

(In his mind) Man this girl is omg so gorgeous that I am never letting go of her tonight and we slow danced that night she was perfect tonight and I let myself do the same. Then, Starfire fell asleep on the motorcycle ride home luckily it was nobody in the road or anything. When we got home, I took Starfire to her room and before I kissed her good night her lips came up to mines and kissed me and her left hand grabbed my waist for me to stay in her bed tonight. The right hand in my hair running through it making me kiss harder because she knows I like that if I start kissing her harder.

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