Robin I truly love you

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Starfire's POV

Is he okay? Cyborg said, um yeah he will be probably just for two days though. I said, oh okay then.  Cyborg walked out the room and I just kissed Robin on his cheek and lefted the room. Two days later, I felt happy that Robin will soon wake up and he did.

Robin's POV

I saw Starfire coming in to kiss me and I said, hey Star. She said, oh hey Robin you were out for quite a while and well I'm I was so sickening worried about you. I said, I know you were with a little fear in my voice.  Then, she just sat by me hoping something would just happen.

Starfire's POV

I feel sad I need to know how much he missed me when he was gone. Then, his hands took mines and his lips kissed me so hard that now I know how much he loved me and missed me so much that no matter what he did that night wasn't so important than just the two of us.

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