Fun Friday

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Robin's POV

The next day, I see Starfire was getting packed to get ready to go back to the tower and I did too.

Starfire's POV

When we got back home me and Robin went upstairs and just hanged out, kiss, and talked the whole time and there was alot of kissing on the roof but I saw a mice behind Robin and screamed and his behind Robin and I turned out to be Beast boy.  I said, Beastboy stop trying to scare me it's not funny. Beast boy said, oh um sorry to bother you two I'll just leave.

Robin's POV

Looks like Starfire was upset and the alert went off downstairs and we had to fight Control Freak and we whipped his butt. When it turned dark time I went to my room and Starfire came in my room to talk and we finally both fell asleep. I had some much fun that night with Starfire and I think she did too but I love her.

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