Winter day

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Robin's POV

Two weeks later, me and Starfire had just been out most of the time. Then, I got a call from an unknown person and I answered it and when I was done talking I took Starfire back home and I lefted to go meet this person. When I got to the pier, I was waiting for this special person and it was Red X and he knocked me out when we were battling and I was in a coma for a couple of days. When I was thinking about how Starfire would be so worried about me because now I can't tell her that I'm fine because I'm knocked the hamsandwich out.

Raven's POV

I just witnessed something happening to Robin and told the others about it and went to the pier.

Starfire's POV

Not again. Is he out or dead Cyborg? Cyborg said, don't worry Starfire we will get him home and check if he's okay. God I hope he's alright.

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