Will you marry me Star?

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Raven's POV

Cyborg and Beast boy said, um why are we here without Robin and Starfire. I said, I won't tell you because I don't think you know how to react to it. Cyborg said, just tell us Rae. I said, oh okay then Robin is going on ask Starfire to marry him. They were like shocked and finally said, omg this is huge for him wow an engagement.

Robin's and Starfire's POV

Man Robin found his mask just now wow! Then Robin said, Star can I ask you something? I said, yes sure Robin what is it? Robin started off saying well you know we've been going out for 3 years and all and been a couple for a while as well but I'm thinking we could more than that you know. I said, well yeah  even more.  Then I saw Robin knelt down to me and said  these words that will change out life. He said, Starfire, my Tamerain Princess will you marry me?

Starfire's POV

Wow! Robin I love you and all and.......

Cliff hanger awe. I know you people were ready for this but hopefully she will say yes.

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