What is going on in Robin and Starfire room

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Cyborg's POV

I woke up hearing something in the room behind me and I was wondering what Robin and Starfire were doing in there. So i went in there and I'm seeing Starfire kissing Robin for a long time and I was happy for them but I'm thinking they really love each other but I almost forgot they got married long time ago.

Robin's POV

Starfire is kissing me alot and she's not even stopping for air but I forgotten she doesn't need air to kiss sometimes but I do. I broke the kiss and asked her are you okay Star?  She said, yeah why you ask? I said,  just checking and then she kissed me even longer man I love this girl.

Starfire's POV

I am kissing him alot maybe that bite from that love bug. But I wonder how long will this love bug bite will last because I'm kissing him alot for the night but I think he's on to me though so I said I'm fine.

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