The memories

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Hey I'm back and got a great idea from IyannaPawsonxRobstar so I will thank her for the idea and I hope you enjoy it.

Starfire's POV

It was a quiet night and I was sleeping and dreamed about the good times me and Robin had together they were sweet and enjoyable momments.   The next day, I woke up to watch tv in the rec room.

Robin's POV

I heard that the tv was on in the rec room and I went in to see who was up. When I went in it was Starfire watching her favorite program on tv.  So, I sat by her and watched it with her.

Starfire's POV

When my favorite tv program ended I told Robin why don't we go out for today. He agreed to go out today and went to his room to get ready and I did the same thing and decided what I should wear. I wore short sleeve purple shirt, blue pants, and my purple boots of course. Robin wore his black and yellow cape with a black shirt, black pants, and his silver and black boots.

Robin's POV

When I was done getting ready Starfire was so excited that I kept  it cool and just rolled with it. When it was like almost midnight and we went back home and sat on the roof and just hanged out for a while.

Starfire's POV

I love how tonight was but one thing I have to say it is very cold.  I guessing Robin felt bad for me because I was shivering alot tonight and he clasped his cape on me and hold me close to him to kiss my forehead. Then, I told Robin remember the time we had out first kiss in Tokyo. He was like yeah it was great and then he said, oh don't forget the time when you kissed me and I got mad about it. I was like yeah yeah I remember.

Robin's POV

Yeah but do you know what I want to remember tonight and for how long I live until the day I die? Starfire said, oh I don't know you tell me Robin. So I pulled her even more closer to me and  until her head was on to my shoulder and I said, this is what I want to remember.

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