The big news

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Robin's POV

She was so happy to tell Raven and the others the news that she fell to sleep and never got the chance to.  Right when I put Starfire in the bed the others arrived. Beast boy was like how did it go? I said, how did what go? Raven then said, it's okay they know it's okay to tell them. Cyborg then said, did it had a happy or sad ending? I finally said, here is the deal I will tell you when Starfire wakes up.

Starfire's POV

Huh how did I get in here so I went back to the rec room and saw the rest of the team talking to Robin. So I flew right by Robin and kissed his cheek. Then, he hold my hand and we have finally announced that we are engaged.Everyone was so happy for us that we celebrated that night. Then, me and Starfire went to my room and we just relax, kiss, even talked to each other for the whole night eagerly waiting for the big day of our lives to be coming soon.

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