The Beautiful Wedding

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Starfire's POV

Man I can tell you that Robin had a surprised face when I walked down the isle. Then, I finally was holding hands with my partner. Robin and I said our vials and the pastor told us will you love and honor each other as how long you both shall life. We said, we do. Then the pastor said,  I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride and we kissed and Robin carried me out the red carpet and I loved it very much when we ate food, slow dances, and especially learning that you got trust in your heart.

Robin's POV

After our wedding, me and Starfire came into my room to sleep once again and I loved her more than infinity. ( that is very high than the real things I read about them)

Starfire's POV

I loved to sleep with Robin not because he keeps me safe just because I loved him like no one else did and I am proud and loud to scream it out on the roof tops that my real husband is Robin.

Awe so cute  I love it these two are Robstar forever.

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