he gets injured

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I can't remember if someone requested this or not. if you did, it's dedicated to you.

"Anakin!" You cried as you rushed into the medical wing. "You said that you wouldn't get hurt!"

"Sorry," he smiled apologetically.

"Just be more careful, okay? You scared me." You kissed his forehead.

"You sound like Obi Wan. Stop worrying."

"Stop getting hurt."

"You just had to go there, didn't you?"

"Oh, shut up. You love me."

Thump! You caught Luke before he fell off the weathervane. He groaned, clutching his right wrist where his hand used to be.

"Holy force, Luke! What happened?" You gently carried him to the medical wing and placed him down onto the bed.

"Vader. He c-cut off my hand, and then he... he..." Luke stammered, recovering from the shock.

"Take your time." You started to cleanse his wound.

"Ow." He winced, before continuing. "He said that was my... father."

"Oh, Luke," you stroked his hair. "Are you all right?"

"I am now. Thank you for being here, y/n. I appreciate it." He smiled at you.

"Any time, Blondie."

"You know I hate that nickname, right?"


"y-y/n?" Han asked as he tried to sit up, only to fall back down again.

"Han, don't move around too much. You're still in shock." You gently helped him to sit up.

"I can't see." He waved his hands in front of him, trying to find you. You grabbed his hand in yours, holding onto it tightly.

"When will I be able to see? This weird blue-light thing sucks." He pouted.

"I don't know, but don't ask me. I'm not a doctor, you know."

"Oh really? Thought you were."

You groaned. "Why can you not see and still be able to speak? Can't it be the other way around?"


obi wan:
He was extremely tired from his battle against Anakin on the planet Mustafar, and was covered in bruises. You were a nurse in the hospital wing and quickly set to work, applying dressing to his scratches and wrapping them in bandages.

"y/n?" He reached out a hand towards you.

You took it, kissing the skin. "I'm here."


"Shh, it's all right. I know."

"Thank you."

"No problem, honey."

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