The ugly Truth (sasunaru)

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This is the first thing I've ever written and I found my self obsessed with sasunaru stories so why can't I make one? I hope u love meh first chappy c;

oh and I don't own nun of theses characters sadly :c I wish I did...😭

Chapter 1

Naruto pov.

Today was the best day ever because Sakura told me they found sasuke. I was kinda mad at the teme, after looking for so many years he just shows up out of no where. =.=. Well who cares I'm going to see him this afternoon because Kakashi said to give him space. what right does he to tell me to leave my best friend alone. I know that teme hated me all the time but I swear I was his friend.

I looked at the clock. "Damn it's noon already?" Part of me is nervous to see him because what if the teme really hates me and never really realized over the years? I hope not.. I left to go see him in the the hospital and I stopped and just stared at the door like it was poison or something. "Come on Naruto just open the door u can't be that afraid" I mumble to my self. Then I saw my pink headed friend Sakura. " Hey Naruto u came to visit sasuke to?" I replied " yeah" scratching the back of my head. Sakura just opened the door like nothing was holding her back so I just followed her and sat in a chair. I wanted to cry and ask why did he leave us but it looked like Sakura already started the waterworks. Sakura was devastated when he left and I guess she still is head over heels over him. I'm just sitting her staring at his lifeless body while Sakura is crying and telling him what happened while he was gone. He's changed.. Like in a good way. His hair his longer and he's taller and his stirs in his sleep are cute..... I grew wide eyed at the thought.. Did I just call him cute? o.0?

I had to go and get out of this place because I just confused my self... I ran home and found our team picture.. I stared at for it felt like hours and I sobbed... " why did you have to leave us!!" I yelled. I questioned myself what sexuality was because I thought sasuke was cute.. It could've been just a gay moment I thought because I really didn't want to be more outcasted than I am now...

Sasuke pov

*next day*

I woke up in a hospital and felt a presents beside me. It was Sakura, she must of stayed the night. I wander we're Naruto is, I'm surprise he's not here yelling and arguing with me why I left. It was the hardest to leave the dobe because I always had a crush on him. I know when I was younger I was harsh and mean to him but I didn't want to believe I liked him. I hated.. "Sasuke kun your awake" Sakura said ruining my thoughts making me a little mad so I simply replied "hn". The next hour she told me about her life while I was gone, like I cared. I never really liked Sakura not even as a friend, she so annoying. While in thought my savior walked in ending her talking, thank god.

Naruto walked and I couldn't to help to stare at him because he's taller, he wears his hair messy not spiked anymore and he just looked sexy.

"What u staring at teme?" He asked. I didn't realize I was staring at him so long o.0.

"Shut up dobe" I said. Oh very smart sasuke. I wanted to erase what I said. " there will be no fighting or arguing naru okay?" Wait did she just call Naruto naru? A ball of anger anger started in my head =.= "fine fine Sakura" Naruto said. Sasuke heard narutos voice and thought even his voice got sexy.

Sakura finely left me and my!! Naru alone. All I wanted is to hear was him. He told me what all happened while I was gone. He seems more mature and stronger. I stared at his blue orbs of eyes while he talked and it made him.. :O it made him blush.. I couldn't believe my eyes. I smiled. Maybe there is future for us dobe I thought. He must of saw me smiling like an idiot because he asked me what's wrong. " the medicine they give me here sometimes work weird" I regretted saying. "Well okay ill just leave u then... Ill see u tomorrow sasuke". He started to leave but I wanted to get up and yell I love u please don't leave me. But I couldn't .-. Why does the dobe make me feel like this?


Well there goes meh first chappy I hoped u liked it c; ill try to update everyday or every other day c; buh bye c;

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