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Hey fellow fangirls and fanboys, guess who got a computer so I could give you guys the cutest/smuttiest chappies? Me xD. Don't worry this is a chappie update but I wanted to talk to you guys first. Long story short why it took me forever to update is a person I looked up to all my life told me she liked fan fiction (fucking awesome right?) I was so happy but then she said how gay fan fiction was disgusting and how she said how could people wright that. I felt shitty and felt like I was disgusting. It hit me low and I thought about it. I finally came to my senses and said fuck it, I love writing even if I'm not good at it and I love gay fan fiction. So my lesson learned that I want to tell you is never being afraid to be you, you're a beautiful human being and if you like gay fanfiction, it's okay. Don't let no one tell you it's wrong and disgusting. Gay fanfiction is my outlet to all my stress and the world itself. So tell the haters to fuck off and to suck a bag of dicks because you're all fucking awesome and there is nothing wrong with you :D

Okay I'm done with my lecture, get ready for a chappie? :D

Naruto's POV.

"after you left..." I stopped, it hurt much.

I didn't want to tell sasuke what happened but I made the mistake of getting in his lap so he won't let me go. And let me tell you that this teme is not budging. I sighed and hid my face in the crook of sasuke neck.

"Hey, how about I make you some ramen and we can talk about it after?" he said

I nodded but stayed put because him holding me just made me feel safe.

"Naru you have to move if you want me to make ramen."

I just held on tighter and I guess he got the point because he started rubbing my back softly. I couldn't help the tear that slipped away. It was so hard being alone all that time, yeah people saw a happy energetic Naruto but honestly I was dying inside. Before I know it I'm sobbing on sasuke shoulder.

"Naru let me see your face" sasuke asked softly

"No" I said weakly

"Please Naru, I just want to help"

I obeyed and stared anywhere that couldn't catch Sasuke gaze.

Sasuke POV.

It hurts to see Naruto like this, he won't even look at me. I tilted his head to eye lever and rested my hands on his cheeks.

"Please don't cry Naru" I said while wiping one of his tears away

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"there's no reason to be sorry Naru, you didn't do anything"

"I showed you I'm weak, I'm not strong like you sasuke" he said and began to cry again

"Naruto you're not weak, it's okay, as long as I'm here you'll always be okay "I said

I saw his sadness turn in to pure anger. He started sobbing and started hitting my chest.

"BUT YOU WERENT THERE!" he screamed at me

I was taken back, I embraced him while his punching stopped and he stated sobbing on my chest. We stayed like that for 10 min. He settled down so I put him to eye level to me.

"Naru listen to me, I'm so sorry I left. I never thought how it would affect, I was being selfish and only thought of myself. Naruto Uzumaki can you please forgive me, I don't care if it takes my whole life to make it up to you. I love you Naru" I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek

He was quiet, didn't move and just stared at me. I felt his hand wipe away a tear and saw him smile.

"I didn't know Uchiha's cried"

I smiled weakly and kissed his head.

"I forgive you sasuke but... you're never allowed to leave alone again" Naru said

I grinned, toppled on top of him and kissed him. I kissed his neck up to his ear, I nipped his ear. I could already see him blushing.

I blew into his ear and said "never"


Bam a chappie busted out! I love you guys, you guys are awesome. Remember to comment, I love your guy's feedback and vote it if you liked it. See ya next week ;D 

The ugly Truth (sasunaru) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now