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sasuke pov.

okay I'm gonna tell I don't care what he says because I love this dobe with all my heart....

"Naru I'm..."

" sasuke kun I'm here for u I heard what happened" Sakura barges in saying.

I really hate her so much now she always comes on the wrong times and messes every thing up.

"Sakura what are you doing here" naru asked

"I'm here because my future husband is hurt duh Naruto"

that's what she think I am her future husband? Ewwww even if I was straight I wouldn't go marry Sakura. I looked at naru and his face looks confused and hurt. DAMMIT NO THIS ISN'T HAPPENING AGAIN.

"Now Naruto move your dom ass away from him so you don't cause him any more pain"

okay that's it she just insulted my naru


"it's okay sasuke your mind probably is blurry because I know you love me"

"No Sakura... I....I.... I love Naruto"

Both naru and her grew wide eyed

"Sasuke...your gay?" Both of them asked

"Yes.. I love you naru ever since I knew you I did... I didn't want to believe because I was to stubborn but you were always there to make me smile even though I didn't want to, naru your the sun that makes me want to get up everyday"

yep I kinda regret saying that because it sounded girly but fuck it I'm gay and probably openly gay now because I know Sakura is going to tell every one but I don't as long I have naru ill be okay.

Sakura started crying and ran out and that just leave me and naru now.

"Did you mean everything you said?"

"yes" I whispered

I was waiting for his response but I was surprised when he kissed me. I didn't know what to do at first because I was in shock but then I kissed him back

he broke our kiss

"sasuke I love you to"

That's all I ever wanted to him to say to me and it felt like I was dreaming.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to deepen the kiss. He bit my lip asking for entrance I deciding not to, to tease him.

I could tell he got frustrated and I smiled into the kiss

He gabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him. I don't know what he's up to but it feels great. He rubbed his hard length against my pants.

oh god... I tried to not moan but it was so hard not to damn teme.. I moaned and he stuck his tongue in my mouth and started explore.

Wow I never thought naru would be so.. . Idk wild

we started to fight for dominance and I'm pretty sure I'm losing.. I let him win because later he would get it.

I started putting my hands under his shirt and rubbing his nipples he groaned and squeezed me.

ow o.o damn I forgot I was hurt I ignored the pain because I don't want the dobe to stop.

I slid off his shirt and stared at his chest.

"What you looking at" he smirked

I blushed and pulled him in for a kiss.

My sides feel wet ewww did I just...

Naru stopped because I think he felt it to and looked at my side

"I'm sorry" he looked down

I looked at my side it was all covered in blood

"it okay naru" I kissed his forehead and looked up and smiled

he hugged me tight

"I love you sasuke"

"I love you to naru"


And there ya go ;D oh btw I'm not posting another chappy until I get 10 votes.,.. Ha I'm just kidding I wouldn't do that to you guys I honestly don't care how many votes I get I just like typing even if I'm good or bad :D hope u guys liked the chappy ta ta

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