chapter five

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The room fell silent when Luke walked in. I could no longer hear the T.V and everything became background noise. His footsteps echoed in my mind as he got closer.

"Hi stranger."


His voice was so beautiful and sweet, it made me shiver. I'm still upset with the fact that he's the new man in the household and he hit on me while dating my mum. Its wrong. It can only make me wonder what he's doing down here.

"I know this is weird, me and your mum dating."

"Very." I say bluntly.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not even attracted to your mum, no offense, I just feel sorry for her.."


"Because she's so lonely and she longs for a man in the house. I was very attracted to her then suddenly something else caught my eye and now I'm here."

"Just leave her, she'll bounce back.. She always does."

"I love her, but I don't. I cant explain it, Jewel."

"What was it that caught your attention besides my mum?"


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