Chapter Eleven • Kisses

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(Sorry to the person who I said that this chapter was gonna be called parental advisory, that ones two chapters away. Oh and I came up with the weirdest plot twist)

"I can't remember their last time I kissed someone that was genuinely beautiful" I blushed at her words.

"Maybe you could change that" she added before holding my cheek.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I don't wanna take make things awkward after-"

"Jesus you talk to much" she exclaimed as a soft substance hit my lips.

"Hey Dinah have you seen my-" I stopped in my tracks to see a girl. She looked about my age.

Her hair was jet black and looked like it had been glossed due to the shiny effect.

As soon as she noticed my presence, I was taken back. I was expecting her eyes to be a shade of brown or blue at least but I was totally wrong. They were green.

"Oh sorry. Um- woah. I'm Lauren" a giggle escaped my lips.

"Hi. I'm Y/n. Dinah's sister. Are you a friend of hers?"

"Y-yeah. We were actually going to the mall to pick out some outfits for school tomorrow" I nodded as I made my way to my dresser.

"You're really beautiful" I turned around to see Lauren standing in front of me.

"Thanks. You too" I whispered as she inched closer.

"What are you doing?" I ask as our faces were only centimetres apart.

"I left my phone on your dresser" she replied, reaching her hand behind me and retrieving her phone. Our eye contact was strong as she did so.

I wanted nothing more then to see what those lips of her had to offer but the thing was. I'd never kissed a girl.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before Y/n?" I gulped. It's like she read my mind.


"Would you like to?" I nodded slowly as Lauren slowly leaned in.

Once our lips touched, I felt like I was gonna fall until I realised that I was. Lauren quickly held my waist, holding me up.

We pulled away slowly, her eyes still closed as mine opened.

"Wow. That was-"

"Amazing" I said as my eyes slowly opened to the sight of Camila.

Lauren's POV
It's the next day and I'm slowly losing myself without her. For all I know, Austin could be doing things only I should be doing to her. The worst thing is, I keep thinking she just might like it. No. She can't. Why would she? It's rape. Stop thinking about it Lauren.

"Lauren! Are you even listening?" Dinah asked as she stood in front of a large whiteboard.

"What?" A groan left her lips.

"Pay attention. Now do you have any ideas besides going to his house and beating his ass?" I crossed my arms.

"Nope. That's all that comes to mind" Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Lauren. You're the one who wanted to help find a way of getting her back. The least you could do is try to be helpful"

"I'm trying! Okay! I am trying but every minute I think about her being in that sickos house is another step I'm taking closer to the edge and I can't have that. Not again" a sigh left Dinah's lips.

"Then don't think. Just do. You're an artist right? Draw us a way into that house and I'll think of something that won't get us actually arrested" I nodded as I took the whiteboard marker from Dinah's hand. Here goes nothing.

"Whacha got there?" Y/n asked as her arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"My sketch book. I draw things that interest me" as I flicked through the pages, Y/n's hand stopped on a specific page.

"Who's lips are those?" She asked as her thumb traces over the drawing.

The drawing was basically a giant pair of lips with various little once inside of them. They were all shaded so they blended.

"They're yours" I confess.

"All of them?" I hummed in response.

"Why are there so many?"

"Well every time I would come home after a day with you, I'd draw a pair of lips depending on the amount of times we kissed that day" Y/n's eyes never left the page.

"The largest pair were what your lips looked like after our first kiss. I remember them vividly, you were wearing dark red lipstick that day. That's why the outlines dark red" Y/n's grip around my waist tightened.

"Damn. You're talented"

"And thats a lot of kisses" She added and I chuckled.

"Don't worry. There'll be more to come. Hopefully" Y/n's eyes made contact with mine.

"I hope so too"

"Lo? You've been standing there for 5 minutes. You good?" I shook my head, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Ah yeah. Ahem. I have a plan"

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