Chapter III

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Hera POV
She had left later that morning, after Percy had eaten breakfast and gotten ready to go visit the town nearby the house —she meant mansion.
Hera sighed, she knew that Percy had started crying, but it would get even worse when he found out what had happened to someone he cared about deeply.
Don't. She chided to herself, don't tell him what had happened, he doesn't need more heartbreak.
See, if she's near somebody who's mom had just passed away without them knowing, she'd look like their mother. Kind of like Hades, except maybe he doesn't turn into people who die, that would be a real headache, having to have your appearance change every five seconds. Though, Aphrodite doesn't show signs of headache, but maybe she was just born like that and has had a longer time to adjust to that. Even now, when her appearance alters, she gets a small migraine. Oh, sorry, she meant a BIG migraine. She feels ready o pass out and die from the pain she feels in her head.
Which is why she secretly knew why Percy looked so stunned and ready to cry again.
The immortal queen of the skies sighed deeply once more and continued on with her journey. She needed to find her eldest sister, and she needed to find her now.

She went into the throne room and was not surprised to find it empty. Everyone must be in their domains. She thought bitterly. She didn't have her own palace to hide from Zeus, she had to share it with him. She didn't have anything to herself much. Besides the thrones and her clothes, but she might as well share that with him too.
Get back to the point Hera!            
She found her sister near the hearth. It was a perfect orange glow, but when she was withing twelve feet, it became a dark violet, as if the fire was feasting on her fears, and it was.
The majority of people think that all fire does is give you warmth, and burn things to the ground. And that is exactly what mortal fires do. But the fire that come from the hearth do much more than what you would imagine.
"Hello, Hera." Hestia said, not taking her eyes off the flames. Her voice seemed gently and kind if you only looked at one layer of it. But in reality it was a strained voice, tired and awkward. "Hello, sister." Hera said in a regal manner. After she got married to Zeus, she practiced everything about being the perfect woman. She still did the things she does out of habit.
"We have something to talks about."
"I know...sister."

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