Chapter 2

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Scarlett's POV:

"Let go of me, i can walk" I argued with Harry a we were walking to the car, i had an ice pack on my head. I got in the back seat of the car and slammed the door. Harry and Justin were talking outside of the car as they were walking along, i heard them.

"Stop looking at my sisters ass" Harry said, what.

"Im not" Justin replied and laughed until they got in the car, Justin sat in the back with me so i moved over. Alot.

"Im not fat you dont need to give me that much space" He said.

"No you have germs" I grinned as he rolled his eyes.

"Both of you shutup" Harry shouted, it was silent. Im going to be ripping out my hair on monday. Fuck this.

When we arrived home i checked the time, 4am. Oh god, mum and dad will be home in two hours! "Justins going"

"Are you crazy?! Its four in the morning! Hes staying!" Harry argued with me. "Get inside" I rolled my eyes and walked up the steps, being very careful.

I unlocked the house and walked inside, Justin right behind me. I turned the lights on and walked up the stairs and then turned to Justin. "I tripped on a fucking brick?!" He nodded.

"Next time your gonna be hit with a brick!" I yelled and slammed my bedroom door shut. I laid down on my bed and sat up in front of the mirror, i remembered i was still in my pyjamas. Going back to what Harry said to Justin.. I noticed my ass was nearly hanging out my shorts. *Facepalm*

I tried to ignore the fact that Justin was staring at my ass and go to sleep.


I woke up and remembered that mum and dad are home! I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, my head was hurting, i noticed bruises on my arms. They were in the kitchen as i ran in and jumped on them.

"Hey hunny!" They said and squeezed me tight, i had a massive smile on my face.

"How was your journey?" I asked them.

"Boring and long as usual" My mum laughed. "What happened to you?" She said as she held my bruises arm.

I looked and saw Harry and Justin, Harry was staring at me. "Fell" I replied.


"I dont know, just not feeling very well im gonna lie down" I gulped.

"Aw hun, maybe no school for you tomorrow" Nope. I weakly smiled and walked towards the sofa where Justin was sitting with Harry. I laid my self down on a empty sofa.

"Thanks" Harry said.

"You owe me" I glared at both of them.

Truth was i wasnt feeling ill at all, i was really dizzy, everytime you touched my arm it would hurt, it even hurts to walk on my bruised legs.

"Your really hurt arent you?" Harry said, i ignored him and pulled a blanket over me. "We're really sorry"

"No your not, you never are! Nether of you" I mumbled the last part.


"Save it" I shot back. "Im going to get dressed" I added as i got back up and ran off up the stairs, i needed to have a shower.

I undressed and got into the shower, when i washed i could properly see all the bruises, a scar on my leg and a few cuts here and there. It looked like i'd been beaten. The doctor said i was vey lucky, i could have broken something.

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and blow dried my blonde hair before i unlocked the door and walked back into my bedroom to find Justin on my bed, i screamed.

"Get out!" I yelled,the grip on my towel tightened.

"Can i borrow your brush?" He asked as he was staring at me.

"You didnt have to ask me! Take it and get out!" I screamed and grabbed my brush, as i passed it to him his hand touched mine, i ignored it as he took it. He just stood there.

"Thanks" He said.

"Get out" I said for the third time, he laughed and walked out, i slammed my door and locked it, my heart was beating so fast. Justin isnt stupid he would have just taken the brush. Why did he wait?

I ignored it and looked out my window, it was sunny for a surprise, the england weather is usually rain, rain.. and more rain. I put on some sweats and a tank top, i couldnt go out as i was feeling 'sick' great.

I text my bestfriend Amy telling her i had to cancel shopping today as i was doing a favor for Harry, i was totally pissed off. I also told her i wasnt coming in school on monday and that Justin would have to stay with me, hte laughing face got sent back to me.

Hopefully Justin will be going home soon as its 12. I decided to read a book. Yes, i like to read, this is one of the main reasons i get bullied at school, everyone calls me a geek, especially Justin and as hes popular everyone joins in with him.

I put my glasses on and jumped on the bed, i was half way through 'Letters to Juliet' so i decided to finish it. I was getting to a good part when there was a knock on my door, probably my mum to see if im okay.

"Come in" I said and lifted my head up from the book. It was not my mum, nor my dad, it was Justin. "What do you want?" I said.

"Just making sure you're still staying off school tomorrow"

"Yeah i am" I replied "Why did you wait in my room earlier?" I asked him. "Why didnt yo just take my brush?" He looked down, thinking about an excuse.

"No reason... uh im going now"

"Okay, bye" I said and glared at him.

"See you tomorrow" He said and walked out. Is he totally blind? I have my glasses on and he didnt even make a comment about it, and i have a book in my hand and he was shutup.

I had a bad feeling he was having a bet with my brother, it wouldnt surprise me even if he was. About a few minutes later i heard the front door close, i took off my glasses and threw the book on the bed and looked out the window, Harry was taking him home.

I must have been staring at Justin out the window as i couldnt hear my mother calling me from behind. "Sweetie? Hunny? Hellooo?"

"Oh sorry" I said and turned.

"How are you feeling?"

"W-Worse" I said and stumbled to the bed.

"Aww baby" She said and hugged me. "How about i get the day off work tomorrow and spend it with you?"

"No" I instantly replied. "Its just i want some time alone to rest" I replied quickly.

"I get it hunny" She smiled "Well im going to be out all day so will your father, we should be back around 9ish, we leave early in the morning at 7, your brother also leaves at 7 and wont be back till around 4 so you will be alone 9 hours" She laughed.

"Its fine, i'll be a fatty and eat and watch tv all day" I laughed.

"Thats my girl" she laughed and kissed my head, right where it hurt so i flinched. "Whats wrong?" I was quiet. "When you said you tripped.. on what?" 

"T-The floor"

"Where?" She said and looked at my head, she saw the stiches. "Tell me the truth now"

"Down the stairs, i tripped and fell thats it, i went to the hospital and they fixed it, its nothing really"

"Harry take you?"

"Yeah.. so" I shrugged.

"Did he do this?" I was quiet again, i wasnt very good at keeping secrets. 

"No, it was my fault i promise" I said.

"You sure?" I nodded. "Im sorry i wasnt here for you" She said and hugged me again. Your never here mum. Not when i need you the most.


What will happen next? How will scarlett's and justin's day go? aha :D

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