Chapter 30

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Scarlett's POV:

"Justin" I tried to whisper as Twist and Harriet were still asleep with Justins hand trailing up my shirt, i slapped him. "Stop"

"But Scar" He whispered against my neck as his hands lifted up my shirt again. 

"Please stop, they'll hear" I tried as he rubbed my stomach, trailing down to the top of my shorts. "Justin im warning you" He laughed lightly before pulling at the strings. "Im serious Justin" He thinks its a joke.

"Shh" He said as he began to kiss my neck, i was still half asleep. "If your quiet they wont hear" As soon as he said that Twist say up, i smacked Justins hand which he quickly pulled away.

"Morning" Twist says as i also sit up, glaring at Justin.


"Do i really have to wear a blind fold?" I complained as Justin held on to me, walking me up some stairs.

"Yes" He chuckled.

"Dont let go! I dont wanna fall!" I say.

"I wont, calm down" As i felt myself back on flat ground i asked again.

"Can i take it off now?"

"Umm yeah" He said as he removed it from me, noticing i was on a private jet, i turned to Justin with a huge smile on my face.

"Where are we going?!"


"Tease" I poked my tongue out at him and sat down, his arm was around my neck.

"You have to wait and see, your very impatient, you know that?" I giggled.

"How long is the flight?"

"3, 4 hours" I nodded.

About an hour later, it was dead silent so i just got up and made my way into the bedroom, i was joined straight after by Justin.

"Can i help you?" I asked him, he cheekily smiled before he attacked me with kisses, falling straight down on the bed.

"I have two late presents.."

"What are they?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"First one is where we're going, second is this' He said as he brought his lips back to mine, making out for about 10 minutes until we heard a bang out front.

"Justin w-what was that?" I said shakily.

"Come" He said as he took my hand and led me out front and into where our pilot was, only to find he'd been shot dead.

"Do you know how to fly a plane?" I asked Justin, he was too in shock to speak.

"S-Sort of" He gulped before he sat down. So many fucking buttons.

"Nice surprise Justin" I say

"It wasnt mean to be this and if we crash you wont be getting ether."

5 Minutes later, it kicked it. I started to panic. "Calm down Scar! I got it" I couldnt help looking at our dead pilot on the floor.

"What about him Justin?!"

"Shutup Scarlett, let me think" I took a step back "We have to land" I looked out the window.

"We're in the middle of the fucking ocean!"

"I know that, what i meant is we have to land, not the plane" I gulped "Theres parachutes back out there right?"

"Er yeah" I say as i look.

"Right then, we jump"

"Are you fucking crazy Justin?!"

"Yeah" He laughed. "Put one on and pass me one"

"Where are we going to land?!" I say and throw him one.

"An island, im sorry, i couldnt get you there.."

"Get me where?"

"I was taking you on a weeks holiday to the Maldives... Now i dont even know if we can get out of this plane alive."

I gulped and took his hand, he was shaking. "Its gonna be fine, you jump, i jump okay?" I say and kiss his head, he was sweating.

"Right Scar, we have to jump, now"

"Why now?"

"Whoever shot him wants us dead too, one engines dead and the back of the planes in flames"

"Fuck Justin! The petrol!"

"But we cant land in the sea!" I looked through the glass at the little island. "There" He said.

I yanked Justin up from the seat as he put the parachute on himself, we opened the door and saw it in flames, smoke everywhere. Justin held my waist and pushed me towards the door, my hand over my mouth. 

As the door opened I looked back at Justin. "You ready?"

I nodded as we jumped from the plane, it went up in fire, exploaded with a big bang. the force coming out of the sky was massive as we opened our parachute. Crashing on the sand of an island, only a few palm trees were here.

I laid on the said and turned to Justin, he was smiling as he put put his hand, i grabbed it. "We did it Scar" I smiled back.

I felt terrible. That person wanted us dead and i had a sneaky feeling i know who.


"So we have no phones, no clothes, no nothing" I say.

"They'll search for us, i told Scoot i'd ring him when i arrived, no phonecall means they'll find us, it will be all over the news anyway"

"They're gonna think we're dead"

"Well that was the whole point" I gulped. "Im sorry this isnt what you wanted, well not what i planned"

"Its not your fault" I say "But we're not dead, wont she come get us?"

"She?" Justin repeated.

"Its pretty obvious who done this"


"No Cara" I said.

"Cara wouldnt hurt anyone"

"She spys on us though, she knows where we are" I say. 

"So she knows where we are and Maria is a murderer? Makes sense now"

"Fuck your girlfriends Justin! You have really bad choice in girls" He laughs.

"Not you though" He smiled and wrapped his arms around me as we laid back in the sand. "I can still give you one birthday present..." He trailed off.

"Here?" I laugh.

He nods "Its private here, they think we're dead so they wont come back" He says as he starts to kiss my neck.

"You have a point" I giggle and connect my lips with his, wrapping my arms round his neck as he begins to remove my clothing, the feeling of sand against me.


Oh no! They're stuck on an island! And was it the two girls that set out to kill them? Will they get found?

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