Chapter 33

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Scarlett's POV:

Another 20 minutes of my life waisted but hey. I was about 10 minutes into it, Justin still wasnt back, but then he came on my screen, in the waiting room.

He looked depressed and tired, his head in his hands, who was then joined my Harriet. I saw her a few days ago, she came in to see how i was. Sadly this thing had no sound so i could only see.

She was rubbing his back as he looked like he was crying. All of a sudden shes on his lap. "Hey im back..." Justin said as he slowly walked round, he knew something was up.

My eyes watching as they kissed. I blinked twise to make sure i was seeing real life. Her hands through his hair, his on her waist. This continued for a few minutes as tears started streaming down my face.

"Scar.. I can explain" I ignored him and carried on watching, they said things before Harriet walked out. His head went back to his hands. Slowly i shut the laptop down as i faced Justin.

"Y-Your kissed h-her w-when i was on this hospital bed, injured and not even awake" I couldnt get my words out.

"It wasnt like that Scarlett"

"Justin i dont want to ever see you again" 

"Babe your not thinking straight-"

I cut him off "Im fucking thinking straight Justin and i want you to leave, tomorrow i will come home and i will pack my bags and i will walk out of that door" I sniffled. "I hate you Justin!" I screamed.

"Please Scarlett"

"I hope you have fun with Harriet because shes all yours! I want nothing to do with you anymore Justin! My life has been hell!" I shout. "I hate you, i really do" I mumbled.


-Next Day-

Walking in, i found Justin in our room lying on the bed. "Please Scarlett, can we just talk?"

"No" I said as i began to pack my bags. 

"Please" I looked at him and saw his eyes all puffy and red, he'd been crying. 

"Justin im not letting you cheat on me and lie to me ever again! You promised! And you fucking broke it! Again!" I tried to hold my tears back as i kept packing.

Me and Justin got involved in another massive argument, causing me to go round and smash all the pictures off us, he tried to stop me but it was no use, the glass shattered, pictures torn in half. I wanted nothing left of us.

"Scarlett please" Justin begged as he was in tears as i was, he took my wrist as i was holding my bags, trying to walk out.

"Dont make this any harder Justin"

"I dont want you to go p-please" His voice was cracking.

"If you love me you'll let me go" I gulped as his grip was still on me, letting go. "T-Thank you" I sniffled as i walked out the door, i didnt turn back as my heart would break even more. He broke my heart, i broke his.


-6 Months Later-

If your wondering i still model. I still live in LA, im sharing an apartment with Grace. Yes, Grace. I got her to move to LA after what happend between me and Justin, she agreed and shes helped me alot.

I keep finding pictures of me and Justin, i stuff them away as i try to forget but i just cant. Grace has actually been singing alot, shes been signed by hollywood records so im really proud of her. Its January now so its cold outside. Freezing here actually.

"Please Scarlett"

"No" I say for the 10th time.

"It will be fun" She wants me to record a song, just me as she also thinks i can sing, i say no everytime as im not a singer, im a model. She thinks i should write about me and Justin and how i feel about the breakup and everything.

I had thought of a few lyrics but im shit at writing songs! I have a title and a few lyrics, i got them from the thousands of voicemails i'd been getting from Justin, hearing his voice got me upset. They've stopped now though. I get 'Can we be friends' and things but im not ready right now.

It was just a normal day, well a lazy day for me and Grace, both of us had nothing so we were sat on the sofa in front of the tv, watching movies with popcorn.

"Justins got a new song" Grace said, i sighed "Wanna hear it?" She said as she was scrolling through her phone.

"Not really"

"What would you do if i said it was about you both?"

"Play it" I said slowly.

"Its called  Nothing Like Us" She said as she hit the play button.

I listened to it very closely, i had to get up and get tissues at the end, i cried. Badly. "Aw Scarlett" Grace said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I-I cant do it anymore Grace" I sniffled "I still love him" I mumbled.

"No you dont, its the song, you were fine before that! You will get over him, i promise you Scar, you'll find someone better than him okay? Just listen to me, your gonna find someone that wont hurt you, that will always love you"

"B-But i thought he was the one"

"He wasnt Scar, you thought he was but he wasnt, all he cares about is himself, not you, im sorry but its true"

I shut my eyes as i wanted it to go away.


-4 Months Later-

Justin's POV:

I walked into the kitchen where Twist was sat, he was listening to a song, a girl singing, hadnt heard it before. But he turned it off.

"Hey Justin" He said as i sat opposite him.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"On your phone? The song"

"Oh erm Grace"

"Shat was not Grace she doesnt sing like that" I glared at him. "Give me your phone"



"Fuck fine" He said as he handed it over. 

Scarlett. Love Will Remember.

I looked up at Twist who was biting his lip. As i played it from the beginning. One of my voicemails. Fucking hell.

I listened to her sing, she was pretty good and the song was amazing. The last bit really hit me. It was like she was saying goodbye forever. She thought she was irreplaceable. We used to be inseparable. I put my head on the kitchen table as tears escaped my eyes.

"Justin you ok?"

"What does it fucking look like" I spat back.

Thinking about that song and the song im about to release. Heartbreaker.

"Bro get up, we have to go"

"What? Where?"

"You know, Fredos!" He laughed. "Its the 4th of july, we're partying tonight Justin, get your mind off her" I slowly sat up.


"Yeah" He chuckled "Get your face sorted out and i'll see you in the car" He laughed as he got up and walked out. I repeatedly wacked my head on the glass table. I stopped because i didnt want to break it.


Broken up! But will they get back? 

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