Chapter 34

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Justin's POV:

Fireworks are going off everywhere, everyone was having a good time while i was slumped on the sofa, looking around to see couples and just me, on my own.

I sat there. Doing nothing. When all of a sudden i looked besides me to see.. Scarlett?

"S-Scar?" She turned to me and smiled.

"Hi" She spoke.

"Havent seen you in ages"

"I know" She replied. Well this is damn awkward.

Scarlett's POV:

Grace forced me to sit with him, it was awkward, i havent seen him in months, nor have i talked to him but he looked damn hot.

"Can we talk? In private?" I asked him, he nodded as we walked off and up the stairs and into a bedroom. Justin shut the door behind him.

"Scar before you say anything i want you to know that im sorry, im sorry for all the pain i caused you and you must hate me, you always will but i dotn blame you, i was a total jerk, they way i behaved towards you was terrible, i wish i could make it up to you but i know i cant, you walking out was the worst thing thats ever happened to me, my heart broke into pieces i-" 

I cut him off by smashing my lips against his, the thing i'd been wanting for ages. He kissed back straight away, pinning me against the wall, his lips hungry for mine.

"You dont know how much i missed you" He said as he linked his fingers with mine, both of us breathing heavily.

"I liked your song" I told him.

"I liked yours too" Hs smiled.

Suddenly the door opened, it was Twist. "Justin we have a problem"

"Cant you see im busy?"

"Im being serious Justin, Scooters mad, like really mad"


"Remember back in march when we went clubbing and we got a little high in that club?"

"We went to more than one club in london, what one?"

"The mop bucket one..." Justin's eyes lit up as he pulled away from me.

"He knows?"

"Justin the whole world knows! Someone sold the video the TMZ! Bill Clinton knows too!"

"Fuck" He muttered.

"Oh hi Scarlett" Twist said.

"Hi" I replied, very confused. 

"Does Scooter want me? Like now"

"Tomorrow at 8 hes coming round yours, hes not happy Justin"

"Shit! He must know that i was pissed! And Bill! I didnt mean what i said!"

"Tell him that.. erm i'll leave you both.." He said as he walked out and shut the door, Justin fell back on the bed. 

"What video?" I asked him, he glared at me as i sat next to him on the bed. 

"I was drunk and i done some things.." He trailed off as i got out my phone.

"Lets see shall we?" I said as i went on twitter, TMZ was trending, clicking on that i got a link, pressing the play button.

I watched Justin pissing in a mop bucket and then "Fuck Bill Clinton" came out of his mouth, thats when it ended. "Your in trouble" I laughed as i laid next to him.

"Hes gonna kill me"

"You've done worse, i know you have" I said as i closed my eyes and snuggled up to him, he wrapped his arms around me.



"Im sorry" He mumbled. "For everything"


"No, im sorry, i was a dick to you in school and i realised as i grew up i didnt change, i still treated you like shit, you say you forgive me evertime i mess up but thats not how it works, you should hate me, you should want me to die for all the things i done! How bad i treated you! I dont wanna hurt you again, im not good for you Scar"

"No Justin, i do forgive you, i know your sorry, we can work this out, its not too late Justin!" He sat there in silence.

"How can you still like me?"

"I dont like you, i love you and i always have, i always will"

He smiled weakly. "I love you too" He managed to say before he connected his lips back with mine. "Scarlett.." He said as he pulled away and got on the floor on one knee, i put my hands over my mouth as he pulled out a box.

I was to in shock to speak when he opened it, a beautiful diamond ring. "Scarlett, will you marry me?" All i could do was nod and mumble a yes repeatedly, a big smile was brought to his face.

"Yes" I eventually managed to say as he picked me up and swung me around before we fell back on the bed.


"Yeah?" He replied as we lay on the bed.

"Take this" I said and handed him a box, quite like what he did to me.

"Can i open it?" I nodded.

He opened the box and read it out loud. "My brothers best friend" He said as he looked up to me smiling. "Best decison of my life" He smiled as he pressed his lips against mine again, linking our fingers together.



My Brothers Best Friend (AJustinBieberLoveStory)Where stories live. Discover now