• Chapter 1 •

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( bare with me, I'm 13 so I know nothing about tattoos. The only thing I'll know shit from is Ink Master or Tattoo Nightmares. Enjoy this story dudes, and YES KELLIN HAS AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT IN THIS)

*Kellin's Pov*

"Yes, mum. I know, I love you, too. I'll call you when I see the place," I chuckle, "Yes, yes. All right. Bye mum."

With reluctance, she wished me good luck and ended the call. Here I was, in California, offered a job at one of the best tattoo shops in San Diego. This is my dream and now it's finally becoming a reality. After living in Sydney, Australia all my life, it was a big change to be in America to further my dreams of being a tattoo artist.

I'd worked at a small shop back in Sydney, and after about 4 years of working there, I started sending pictures of my work to famous tattoo places that I dreamt of working at. Never did I think any of them would even see the pictures, but now I stood in front of the famous tattoo parlour, Suicide Season. ( I'm not original, give me a break)

Taking a deep breath, I pushed the doors open, hearing the ding of the small bell. My eyes scanned the place, already loving it. The walls were painted a dramatic, vampire red, pictures of different tattoos hung from the walls. It had a Gothic, Victorian feel to it.

There wasn't really anyone in here, other than a guy covered in tats, giving a man one in the back, and a girl with short, black hair and a nose ring. I made my way to the desk where she stood. "Hello?"

She looked up from something she was writing, "Oi! Kellin Quinn?"

"That's me," I mumble shyly, tugging at one of my lip rings.

"Welcome! I'm Hannah. It's so great to have you working here at Suicide Season! I'll show you everything you need to know about this place and you should be tattooing by next week."

"Thanks, it's such an honour to be working here." This is a place where celebrities literally got their tattoos done. The thought was just mind-boggling to me.

She laughed, motioning for me to follow her. She showed me around, things like the tattoo machines, ink, and where I'd be doing my sketches for my stencils. I hadn't even started, and I knew I'd love working here.

• Vic's pov•

"Oh, oh! That sweater is pretty!' Tony told me. I admired the pastel pink sweater that hung to my frame, making my legs look really good in my skinny jeans. "Yeah, I'll wear it." 

Tony was giving me input on what to wear as I was finally getting a tattoo today. After years of putting off getting one, I was finally going to the tattoo parlour. Tony was coming with of me, of course. I was terrified, so I needed someone there. 

I was getting 'Stay Strong' tattooed on my right wrist. Back in high school, I was very insecure with having to wear 'boy clothes'. I was so unhappy, because it just wasn't me, and I resorted to self harm. Honestly, clothes have no gender to me; if girls can wear pants how come men can't wear dresses? 

Me, I felt more comfortable in skirts, dresses, and just anything cute. I liked to feel pretty, it made me feel good about myself. This was me, and I love it. Sure, I went through my ups and downs, but I know now who I am and you're damn right I'm proud of it. 

"Is Mike coming?" I ask, smoothing out my skinny jeans. "Yeah, he's coming now."

I nodded. It only made sense to me to bring two guys who were covered. They' tell me what would hurt most and shit. I'm pretty sure wrist would hurt a lot since it's right over my veins and the skin is so thin in that area. Oh well. This tattoo means a lot to me and there's no way I'm chickening out again. 

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