chapter 22

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[] Kellin's Pov []

I watched fondly as Vic pulled the thin sheets tight to his petite chest, eyes squinted as he laughed happily in the bright sunlight shining through the window. The early hours of the morning resulted in the cute, messy bun atop Vic's head.

Carefully, I grasped the sheet, removing it from his body. He giggled in delight when I fiddled with his high socks. They were a dark grey that made his beautiful, thin legs look so elegant. His upper half was clad in an oversized ombre jumper. Underneath was his favorite blue, lace panties. We lazed around in bed after waking up twenty minutes or so ago and neither of us wanted to get up just yet. We were enjoying just laying with each other on this lazy morning.

I sighed deeply, placing a hand on his small thigh, running it over the feminine curve on his hip. "You look cute," I whisper, my voice deep and scratchy.

He covered his face with his sweater paws, giggling through the thick material. With the light on just the right side of his face, his eyes were a mixture of warm, cocoa colors. "Why do you always do that?" Vic sighed, scooting closer so we were nice and close.

"Do what?" I pressed my lips to the tip of his cute button nose, feeling it crinkle when Vic laughed in a girlish pitch at the action.

"Be a sweetie pie," he breathed, trailing one of his nails down my chest. The light-pink nail polish coating his nails was chipping off and he was constantly changing the color, which I thought was adorable.

I rolled over onto my back, pulling Vic with me along the way. He squealed softly, bracing himself with his hands as he fell onto my chest. A small smile tugged at my own lips when I felt his slim hips pressing into mine, his lower region straddling my own.

I let my hand trail along the length of his leg, slowly creeping it up the bottom of his jumper. I felt his body relax against my touch, his tiny hands placed timidly on my bare chest. While I played around with the lace on his panties, Vic traced the spot on the left side of my chest where there was no tattoo.

"Kells?" he whispered, brushing his plump lips across the pale skin of my chest, before pressing his lips to the area. "Why don't you have this part tattooed?" His warm breath fanned gently against my skin, sending tickles down my spine and hips.

I let a deep hum rumble inside my throat. "It's kind of stupid. . ." I mutter, rubbing Vic's thighs softly, loving how smooth they felt against my rough hands.

With grace, he picked up on of my hands, pressing a swift kiss to the inked body part. "Kellin, I wear women's underwear. I don't think it's going to be dumb."

I patted the back of his bum, giving him a stern look. "Shush. I love your panties." To prove my point, I reached underneath his jumper and cupped his round bottom, giving it a firm squeeze for emphasis. His cheeks burned up and he had to gnaw at his lower lip to refrain from a smile breaking out on his beautiful lips.

"If you must know, though. I was saving that spot for something special. Because it's over my heart and all. I know it's cheesy and lame but I thought it w-" I was cut off by Vic pressing his lips to mine firmly. They were soft, warm, moist and had the faint taste of cherry cola.

"It's not lame," he murmured, tugging at my bottom lip, "I think it's really sweet."

Vic really was too kind for his own good. Cuteness actually does trigger aggression in the brain, which is why when you see something absolutely adorable you want to squeeze the hell out of it. I went through the daily struggle of wanting to smother Vic in love because that cute look he always gave me when he was happy about something I did. That look killed me. Absolutely killed me. My boyfriend has the most sparkling, mischievous, and beautiful caramel eyes that stared at me in such a way. The way he'd chew softly at his bottom lip whenever he was amused, shy, or trying to bite back a smile. How he looked, even in the mornings, brought a whole other meaning to the word flawless. I loved him with all my heart, obviously. But I just couldn't get over the fact he felt the same way about me. I doubt at the same magnitude, but still.

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