-chapter 13-

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• Vic's pov •

I stirred in my slumber to the feeling of tiny kisses being pressed to my collar bones, and by the feeling of the cool metal against my skin, I immediately knew it was my gorgeous, Australian boyfriend.

I smiled a soft, lazy smile, fluttering my eyes open to be met with the beautiful sea of color that belonged to Kellin.

"Good morning, love," he whispered. His voice was groggy and deep, his accent sounding ten times thicker. The sound made me feel warm and fuzzy.

"Morning, babe." I took his face softly into my hands, pressing his lips to mine. He hummed against my lips, where I pulled at his lip ring, my body filling with desire for the pale boy atop of my body.

Carefully, I flipped us over so I was on top and straddling his lower stomach, my hands placed on his chest. His were placed on the back of my lower thigh, trailing up the smooth skin of my legs until they were mischievously sneaking up my pajama shorts.

My lips were becoming swollen from the pressure put on them, but I didn't care. Kissing Kellin was something I adored. The feeling and taste of metal from the two hoops latched into his plump lips, his skinny, tattooed hands squeezing my bottom, his adorable button nose brushing against mine as our heads tilted to the side.

A girly, breathy moan escaped my lips when Kellin played with the waistband of the pastel-purple panties I wore underneath my pajama shorts. "So adorable," he murmured, against my lips, one hand kneading my ass cheek slowly, the other running over the curve from the small of my back to my bum.

Whimpering softly, I balled his t-shirt in my hands, pushed my lips to his harder and ground my hips against his. I didn't know why I was so desperate this morning, but after last night, I felt like Kellin and I had become closer physically and emotionally, even if it was just a blowjob.

"Someones needy," he chuckled, pulling back from the kiss. I pouted my swollen lips, giving him an unimpressed look. "Oh hush."

With a small smile on my face, I admired Kellin. The sun shined through the window and onto his eyes, making them gleam brightly. His piercings made him look so sharp and sexy, so different. Kellin's tattoos peeked out from the top of his shirt, wrapping around his swan-like neck. He looked perfect, to say the least. We were so different from each other; he was a punk, hardcore guy, while I was a feminine, pastel, pantie-wearing boy. Oddly enough, I thought our relationship was awesome.

I knew Kellin was watching me as I pulled his shirt over his head and admired his tattoos. Whoever did them was extremely talented, especially the tattoo of BeetleJuice placed on the right side of his chest.

"You like them?" My head shot up to Kellin, nodded sheepishly as I traced all the tattoos on his inked skin, accidentally brushing my fingertips against his nipple. An amused smile came onto my face when he let out a tiny gasp.

"Fuck you," he breathed out. I smirked, ducking my head down to catch his nipple between my lips and teeth, swirling my tongue around it.

Kellin pried my head off. I licked my lips as he watched me intently, a smirk tugging at one side of his lips. "You look so beautiful right now."

My cheeks heated up at that, smiling bashfully at my hands. "Really, Vic." I felt his fingers placed underneath my chin and tilt my head upwards. "You know what I'd really love right now?"

He planted kisses below my ear, making me shiver. "What?" I whisper.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you, Vic. How sexy you'd look in pastel panties, your sexy bum would look so delicious in them. So. . . why don't you strip for me, babe?" My breath caught in my throat. His hot breath was fanning into my ear, giving me shivers.

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