-chapter 6-

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-Kellin's Pov-

"So this bitch says to me, 'what the fuck is wrong with your shoes?', and I'm like, 'what the fuck's wrong with your face?'" 

I giggled at Vic's rant about 'Jennifer', some bitch from his high school volleyball team, and by the way he was portraying her, she sounded like a narrow-minded douche. 

Right now, we were getting off of the Ferris wheel after beings stuck up there for an hour and a half. I really didn't mind being stuck in there since I had Vic to keep me company, but I hope it didn't bother him since we could have been doing other things at the carnival. 

Our hands grasped each others again, Vic's story being cute short by us accidentally running into a group of boys, looking younger than us, maybe 19 and 18 years old. 

"Eh, look what we got here," the blonde one smirked, looking over Vic with a condescending stare, which really pissed me off. I tightened my grip on Vic's hand, whilst he rested his other on his hip sassily, that 'done' look in his eyes. 

He turned to me, "Kellin, I'm not a cactus expert, but I know a prick when I see one," he scoffed, flipping his hair off his shoulder with his long nails. I didn't even try to hold back my laughter, watching in amusement at the group of boys faces. 

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, pretty boy? Boy's don't dress like pansy's, girly. Real men wear boys clothes, and have girlfriends, not faggot boyfriends," he sneered.

Who in the bloody hell did this fuck think he was to be talking to Vic like that? When I looked at Vic he didn't seem fazed, just that usual sassy look painted on his gorgeous face. "Oh please, bitch. You'll never be the man your mother is." 

His friends 'oohed', playfully laughing at him and shoving his shoulder. Suddenly, he pushed Vic harshly, making me lose my grip on his hand and fall on his bum with a small 'umf' 

My eyes widened, quickly helping him off the hard pavement, before turning back to the idiotic bloke in front of me. "You got a mother fuckin' problem, mate?" I growl maliciously, jabbing his shoulders in a rough push. 

"I don't like the way fag boy is talking to me!"

"You started it, kid! So I suggest you shut your bloody mouth before I do it for you, fuckin' homophobic asshole," I muttered, eyebrows furrowed in rage at the arrogance of this bloke. Vic and I were having a wonderful night, when this bitch decided to walk in. 

Vic's baby-soft hand grasped mine. He brought his lips to my ear, whispering gently, "It's not worth it, Kells. Calm down." 

I felt my face soften, squeezing Vic's hand in reassurance for both him and I. Just when I pulled Vic along with me to walk away, I felt him pause. Turning in confusion, I watched Vic silently stare at the guy, before swinging his fist back and connecting it with his jaw. 

My eyes bulged, quickly pulling him to the parking lot and running to my car just in case they came after us. We were both laughing uncontrollably, Vic shaking his tiny fist that was tinted red. One thing I knew for sure; that was hot. as. fuck. 

"Whoa," I breathed, giving Vic an impressed look, voicing my thoughts, "that was really, really hot." 

Vic shrugged bashfully, a small smile on his face from sprinting so quickly and laughing. "Would you come back to my place to, like, watch movies and stuff? Because I'm seriously not tired and I jsut really like spending time with you." 

I smirked at his nervous expression as if he thought I'd say no somehow, "Of course." 

~ At Vic's~

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