-chapter 10-

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there's Vic's outfit minus the hair (: ALSO EXCITING NEWS AT THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END. btw sorry for the shortness :(

-Vic's Pov-

"And nothing else matters!" I shout, sliding onto my knees in front of the guys and
playing air guitar to Metallica They rolled their eyes while I head banged and acted like I was the best fucking guitar player ever.

Soon, Jaime told me to shut up and turn down my music. I grimaced, going to my stereo and turning it off, "Suck balls. Besides, this is my room, so my music."

Jaime glanced at me before looking back at the TV that played his video game. Mike and him were playing while Tony was taking a nap on my bed, surprisingly not waking up after me blasting music. "Vic, look at this shit. I'm on a winning streak! I can't let Mike win or my life is over."

I huffed, "Where's my boyfriend. He'll listen to Metallica with me." I stuck my tongue out at them, grabbed my bag and left. A few seconds later, I shyly popped my head back into the room, "I'm kidding guys. I love you."

They laughed, as I sheepishly left and made my way to Kellin's. He text me his address yesterday and told me to come over once he got off work, but he never texted back to tell me to come so I just didn't. So, in the sticky San Diego air, I trekked to Kellin's, glad I was wearing Converse today and not platforms or heels.

Humming, I skipped up to his door and knocked swiftly, waiting until a groggy Kellin in nothing but his boxers came to the door. My eyes widened, noticing his faint V-line and more tattoos that were inked into his chest and sides.

His build was just right. With a little bit of muscle and abs, but more so leaning towards the skinny side. Which I thought was super hot.

"Oh. Hi, Vic. I didn't know you were coming," he yawned, stretching his arms out and running his hands over his flat stomach.

I blushed deeply, "Oh, yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you. I was hanging out with the guys but they were being lame. . . " I found myself getting distracted by his hot, tattooed body and how thick his accent was when he was tired.

"We can hang out. I just need to get ready," he laughed, motioning down to his half-naked body. I smiled softly, biting my bottom lip bashfully.

He opened the door, to which I entered his house. "Welcome to my shit hole. It may be a shit hole, but it's my shit hole. Peace, love. I need to go get dressed." I smiled, kissing his cheek sweetly and letting him go get ready.

His house was actually really nice. The colour combination he had going on was red and black. Almost like the style at the tattoo parlor, but a little less finished. I noticed some boxes he still had sitting around with what looked like picture frames that he still needed to hang up. He'd only been living here for around three and a half weeks, as he was slowly easing into his home and new life in America.

He got used to things really fast, actually. Yeah, there's still a lot of things he's getting used to, but you get what I mean. While waiting for Kellin, I lounged on his couch, playing with my nails.

"Sorry, love. I'm ready now," I heard Kellin say. I turned my head to see him coming out of what I assumed was his room, dressed and ready for the day. He wore a Slayer muscle tank, skinny jeans, combat boots, and a gray beanie.

"You have a lovely house, and you look amazing," I say, standing up and properly greeting him with a hug.

"Oh, thank you, love. You look gorgeous, too," he smiled, placing his hands on my hips as my arms wrapped around the back of his neck. Slowly, I kissed him. The sensation was different, but in a good way. I loved kissing

The feeling of the cool metal of his lip rings against my mouth was indescribable, and the way he put so much passion into the smallest, closed-mouthed kisses. Really, I loved kissing so much. It relaxed me and made me feel wanted.

Kellin hummed, almost sounding like a groan, when I tugged softly on his lip ring. People say it drove people with them crazy, but I don't know so I might as well try.

"What did you want to do today?" he asked, swaying me slightly in his arms. I shrugged, not even having a plan of what to do. Kellin's company just made me really happy.

"We could do whatever." I felt my eyes widen when his hand subconsciously drifting up the back of my thigh, his large hand rubbing the skin as he thought.

"Hmm. We could just sit around a kiss for a while?" he asked, innocently, his hand squeezing my upper thigh teasingly.

I arched an eyebrow, bringing my hands down to rub over his chest and shoulders. "Sounds pretty good to me," I whisper, bringing my lips close to his and brushing them together. His gaze faltered, falling down to my lips as I felt him place his hands firmly on my hips.

I smiled slyly, taking his hand and sitting him down on his couch. For sure, this would get him going. I didn't want to take things fast, but I couldn't help but to be a tease. With a smirk on my face, I crawled onto his lap so I was straddling his hips. The only thing I was wearing underneath my skirt was a pair of blue, lace panties.

"Do you even understand how hot your tattoos are?" I giggled, taking his tattooed hands and placing them on my hips. He stayed silent as I leant down to attach my lips to his neck, our bodies getting pushed flush together.

Nibbling softly on the skin that met his shoulder and neck, I felt Kellin's hands hesitantly creeping closer and closer to my bum. I giggled softly against his skin, gliding my tongue across it and reaching around to move his hands up so he was cupping my ass.

Kellin's breath hitched. I sighed happily when he squeezed it gently. I continued to assault his neck with kisses, leaving hickeys on the few spots of his neck that weren't tattooed. My stomach tingled when he moaned softly into my ear, fiddling around with my thigh high and gliding his rough fingertips over the smooth skin of my leg. That seriously turned me on how he could be rugid and almost feminine at the same time, being perfect for the type of relationship I wanted to be in. Of course, you could see from a mile away that I'm the more submissive one and I like to bottom, but I actually really enjoy topping or being the big spoon with my partner.

I blushed and smiled when Kellin muttered under his breath, "Bloody hell."

Kellin's musky cologne drifted into my nose as he kissed and licked at my collar bones. I whimpered as he found my sweet spot and sucked harshly on it. "Kellin," I breathed, feeling his strong hand massage my bottom.

We sat around for an hour or so, kissing and talking. Mostly kissing, but whatever. And as much as I absolutely loved kissing Kellin, I began to grow restless. A thought came to mind. It was extremely spontaneous and out of the blue, but I suddenly felt really up to it.

I lifted my head up from Kellin's chest so he could see my face, "I want to go get a tattoo."

Kellin laughed, but soon stopped when he saw my serious expression, "Oh, you're being serious?"

I nodded, pressing a kiss to his chin. "Well, when do you want to get it don-"

"Now," I interject, flashing him an excited smile. He laughed again and gave me a skeptical look, but sat us up either way. "Okay, love. Let's go do it. We'll talk about what you want at the shop."

I squealed in excitement, jumping into his arms into a big, warm hug. "I love having a tattoo artist boyfriend," I giggled, pecking his nose before rushing outside to his car, where he drove us to the tattoo parlor.


I haven't updated in forever I am so so so sorry, I was busy working on Basket Case. Anyway, I don't know how many of you have read Nerd my other story, to which I recently posted an epilogue to. And I decided, there IS going to be a sequel! It's just going to be a cute Mpreg with no drama just fluff and yeah it won't be too long only a couple chapters but totally check that out when it's up (:

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