Chapter Nineteen

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Michael and I just ate our ice cream, the time was about 8pm here. The timezones confuse me, especially when it's dark so soon. It's only February, and I'm just now realizing it's cold.

We were now browsing a gift shop, just to kill some time.

The truth is Michael saw a giant lollipop in the window. He was disappointed when he found out it was fake.

"Look, babe. Do you know what's in here?" Michael asked, holding up a necklace with a bottle- that was empty- hanging from it.

"Uh... Air?"

"It's my fart. So you can treasure it forever."

"Oh my gosh, Michael!" I laughed.

"Come on, let's go back to the bus. This tux is itchy." He smiled, grabbing my hand as we walked out of the store.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for all of this. I hate to go home, now." I sighed.

"It's okay. We'll chill all day tomorrow, and then we'll drop you off at the airport the next day. That way we can just watch some movies and hang out before we have to get back on the road."

"Okay." I frowned.

"Hey, don't be sad, alright? I promise to call more. It's just very exhausting with all the shows, meeting fans and interviews. It's my own fault, really. I stay up way too late." He sighed.

"Michael... Is there something going on that you're not telling me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Before you met me, you were always tired, mopey and just didn't act like yourself. That stopped when we spent time together, but now I feel like you're beating yourself up again. If you are, please stop. I know it's hard to be away, but it's not like we see each other 24/7 when we're at home either. We don't need to be together to be together, you know?" I said.

"I know." He said, looking down at the ground. "The truth is, I don't feel like I'm good enough for you. Like you could do better."

"Michael!" I yelled, and it echoed down the empty streets. "Don't you ever say, or think that. You are one of the best people I know. You have the ability to turn my day from absolute sadness and anger, to happiness and delight. You make me so happy, just to see you smile makes me feel better."


"Yes, duh, you big idiot." I said, nudging him.

"I feel the same way." He smiled.

"Good. Now let's stop being sappy and be more sarcastic." I laughed.

We finally reached the bus, and got inside where it was warm.

"I'm changing first, this dress is way too much." I laughed, running in the bathroom.

"Whatever, I'll just change out here. Now you can't see me shirtless." He laughed.

I may have rushed into my cat pajamas a little too fast after that, considering I fell over the toilet and almost ended up in the shower.

I got out of the bathroom, and sadly Michael was already in sweats and a hoodie.

"Meanie. Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Out to dinner. Ashton has a few friends that are visiting here, and everyone knows them but me. So now we get to play the Xbox."

"Probably his old co-workers from KFC." I laughed.


"Do you ever just go back and think about how you guys were before? Like... It makes me cry looking at hemmo1996." I sighed.

"It's insane. It's impossible, I don't know how we did it. We got so big... I don't even know."

"You deserve it. But it's tiring, I know it is."

"It is, but it's worth it." He sighed. "Okay, enough of that. Let's play Halo."

He threw me a controller, and I proceeded to hopefully beat him, at least for one game.


"This is stupid! How do you even get that many kills without dying?!" I yelled.

"By being good." He laughed.

"I hate you." I poured.

"Sore loser." He rolled his eyes.

"We've literally played 30 games and your score everytime is 40 kills and 2 deaths!"

"Loser." He stuck his tongue out.

"Cheater." I said, turning the Xbox off.

I walked into the other room, and crawled in one of the bunks.

"Eli... Come on. I'm sorry. I'll turn the cheats off."

"Screw you!" I laughed, closing the curtain.

"Why the yelling?" I heard Ashton say.

"It's one in the morning, you guys took forever." Michael sighed. "Who's that?"

"This is my friend, Heidi. She was riding home with Jack, but he forgot her somehow. So she's going to chill here for about half an hour until he gets back here." Ashton said.

"Okay." Michael said, and I heard him walk in the back room.

I peered out of the curtain, and I almost passed out.

This chick was wearing something straight out of a creepy man's basement. She may aswell be naked.

I'm not a mean person, but I can literally see the plastic in her body.

I snuck out of my bunk when nobody was paying attention, and I went to sit beside Michael. I closed the back room door and sighed.

"Please tell me you don't find her attractive." I said.

"She looks like an 86 year old who spent too long in the tanning machine, Eli." He laughed. "So no, not my type."

"Thank goodness. I'm so tired." I sighed.

"Lay down."

"I don't wanna." I frowned.

I leaned on Michael's shoulder as he scrolled through his Instagram feed, and I slowly got bored. So I closed my eyes and drifted off just as Luke screamed "RAT IN THE TOUR BUS! THERE'S A RAT! OH MY GOSH THIS IS DISGUSTING!"




Jesus loves you & so do I

bye xoxo

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