Home Sour Home...

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It was Tuesday and time was 6:30 of evening. My dad was home early which I made out by seeing his bike before our gate. As soon as I entered my house, I made out that something was terribly wrong. Sofa cushions were scattered on the floor. It was a common weekly scene at our residence but, what I saw next never happened before. Cushions were just a trailer. Next thing I saw was- kitchen utensils disseminated all over dining hall, flower urns shattered into pieces. Now that was way too wrong. Quarrels were common between mom and dad but, only verbal. Soon after this sight I heard loud screams of dad and mom in chorus over each other. I went straight in to their bedroom where a more dreadful scene was waiting. Both my parents' phones were fragmented into pieces as if smashed with a hammer and next to it were pieces of our 22'' LCD shattered everywhere.

"Wha-a-at happened?" I asked in shock, facing my mom.

"You don't interfere, go and study, your exams are not far away." dad frowned at me.

I didn't move a bit. I repeated my question thrice still facing her.

But she was not in a condition to answer. She was weeping with simultaneous deep breathing. That scene made me furious. I hated every time dad made her cry. I was full of anger over him and gave him an angry look with my red blazing eyes. This time my dad came straight to me and gave a tight slap. There was no enmity towards him but, right after that slap I really wanted to smack anything right down at ground to show my anger. Soon he made out my anger and shouted at me, "You want to hit me or what, huh?"

"No, I just want to know what the reason for such a scenario." I screamed in a desperate voice.

"Oh! Your mother's brother, your uncle, did a great job. That's the reason." He groaned with sarcasm, staring hard on my mom.

"If Mamu did something then why are you scolding mom.' I demanded so as to defend mom.

"Ok son, tell me what more I should not do at 'my house.' And I will follow you." He roared at me emphasising "my house" just to tell that he is the head.

"What more you taught him against me, huh?" he shouted at my mom. He was never like that. God knows what happened to him that day.

"I did nothing." Mom sighed with distress.

"Now why are you again shouting at her dad?" I screamed this time losing my control.

He again marched towards me with rage in his eyes but instead of hitting me, he crashed the table lamp, on the top of study-table beside me, right onto the floor which was already decorated with glass shards. "Wait, you won't listen like this." he screeched as he was heading towards kitchen most probably to pick a pair of tongs to hit me. But I didn't care. Using this time-break, I went straight to my mom and asked her the reason for such behaviour of dad. She was still sobbing but somehow managed to speak.

"Your dad wanted to invest some money in his friend's business; for that he wanted 5 lakhs. He is having half right now and for another half he contacted your mamu. But he refused to give as he already invested a lot in his restaurant. Right after that refusal he is scolding me for my brother's incapability of giving him cash on request." She described, still weeping. Then I got the point. For you all to get that point, I would like to share few tragic pieces of knowledge. My dad always tried to piss off his in-laws. He waited for a chance and he got one. And as his old habit, any negative sign from my mom's side and mom is made the guilty for no reason. This time it happened too. But as this was dealing with money matter so, dose was raised to higher level.

My mamu, he worked in Deloitte at that time, a U.S. Tax Company and for my dad, United States linked any job was the job with high income. Co-incidentally he was correct but uncle's dream was a restaurant and recently he opened one and put all his savings into it and such a business takes time to build some money and he was out of cash at that time, resulting in failing to fulfil my dad's request. Typical Indian Family Fight! Seems quite funny and senseless now, but back at real time visuals, it was hell that I experienced.

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