Is She the One?

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Right after that incident I went to her sister, Sushmita and kind of requested her not to tell anything to her parents. It was not because they would kill me or something, but I didn't want Anindita to face any trouble. And she agreed to this after taking a promise from me that I would never meet her sister again. Sushmita was a very, what you say, a strict kind of girl. She hated love, relations etc. and even rejected many proposals and insulted many, who were in love. So it was good not to indulge in such activities with her sibling and I backed off there too. And to my surprise after a couple of months both Chandra sisters were seen nowhere at school or town. Reason was, their family moved to Mumbai. Thus it was an official end of it.

Leaving all this aside, subjects were becoming much complicated. My negligence towards studies in 11th was reflecting as, many topics of that class were related to 12th class chapters. I started searching for some good coaching classes and one day I, along with my friend Sarthak, came across a brochure, advertising- "Ashoka Coaching Centre." We got the contact number and reached that place. It was a well-furnished room with a large LCD on a wall right above a white board and the head of that centre was a real flatterer with his words. He managed to enrol our names in that coaching class by talking about many logical and illogical things. All we did was, nodding to everything that he said. In no time our coaching classes started. At first it was very motivating kind of teaching but slowly the teachings lost their shape, but still it was ok.

And then it happened, to my bad luck/good luck, again. I was late for tuition and I was taking off my shoes in front of the coaching room's door, a voice came from behind.

-"Excuse me!"

"Yeah!" I said as I turned, to see a girl standing there finding a way to get in.

"No, no, I was saying to give way. You are blocking my way." She said, smiling.

"Oh! Sorry, yeah sure," I said as I moved aside to let her in. And as these words came out of my mouth I had a feeling of Déjà vu. Same happened when I first met Anindita.

But this girl was not that attractive as her, still was pretty good looking, short girl.

I went in and sat at my place beside Sarthak. That whole hour I was staring at her not out of lust but it was because of the "Déjà vu" feeling that I had. After that class I went to her and introduced myself.

"Hey I am Prithvi?"

"Nidhi, nice meeting you." She replied in a friendly way. Well I too wanted to be just a friend.

"So which school you are in?" I asked as I was arranging by books back into the bag.

"D.A.V. Vedanta"

"Oh so your father works at Vedanta."

"No, no," she started laughing and continued, "It's not that only a Vedanta worker could enrol his child in that school. By the way my dad has his own company in Chennai."

"Oh! I did not know that, thanks for saying."

"No problem. Ok bye, see you later tomorrow." She said and was gone.


Seriously, her smile was not the best, she was nowhere when compared to Sneha, or even Anindita for that matter, but there was something I liked about her but I never knew till now, that one thing.

It was our first meeting; pretty similar to the previous one with Anindita.

Days passed and we became very good friends. Everything was running good without any tension of relations and all, which I was fed up of after my last failure. Then as for God, he never wanted me to be stress free and so he dropped one more bolt from the blue.

Two months passed by and that made me and Nidhi very good friends.

One day after tuition Nidhi called me over phone to meet her urgently. It was 7 in the evening.

"Yeah say what happened?" I asked her normally.

Then this happened.

She clasped my hands in between hers and said, "I am in..." in an excited way.

"Okay, are you in any problem?" I asked her.

"No stupid, why will I say it happily if I were in a problem?"

"So what is it?"

"I am in....Love." she sighed in a low voice.

"What? Wow, so who is he? From your school or here at Ashoka?" I started asking a series of question.

Her expression changed a little. She said, "Silly, if I was in love with any other guy then, why will I say this to you."

"Sorry I didn't get you, can you say clearly?" I asked her again. Because those words of her pointed something which was hard for me to believe 'Is she saying that she is in love with me?' I thought.

"Idiot, I love you...." And she went on saying something which my ears rejected to take in, after they heard-"I love you". I could only visualize her lips moving but I was not able to hear what she was saying. It took me one whole minute to realize what she said.

"Are you serious?" I asked in a shock after a minute.

"Yes, don't you love me?"

"See I didn't mean that. What I want to say is; I want some time to think over it."

"What do you want to think?" she asked so as to force me to accept her proposal.

"Nidhi please", I requested.

"Okay fine." And she left from there with a gloomy face.

I was left with some unsolved puzzles. I was thinking of many things. 'What should I do? Should I say no to her? What will she feel if I say a no? If I say yes, will I be happy?' And in that list of thoughts there was no Sneha; and The Almighty, my so-called enemy, didn't like this. So he already got a plan ready for me, ironic to what Enrique sang-See heaven's got a plan for you. Quite funny.

The following day at school, as I was in a confusion of whether to accept Nidhi's proposal or not, suddenly I caught a glimpse of Sneha's father at school office. I met him couple of times, when I attended Sneha's birthday party. So I took advantage of it and went to greet him.

"Namaste uncle, how are you?"

"Namaste, Namaste everything is fine; and how are your studies going on?" He asked in a typical husky voice of his.

"It's alright." I answered and continued coming to my main intention of this conversation, "And how is Sneha, uncle?"

"She was in Indore but she is a homesick, so a week ago she came back and I am enrolling her name in D.A.V. Vedanta."

'What the ...' I thought. 'She is in Jharsuguda and didn't even try to meet me, as a friend at least. And did he just say D.A.V. Vedanta? Sneha is joining the same school in which Nidhi studies!'

"Oh, okay uncle. I have to go now." I went from there.

Now the case was like this- Nidhi loves me, I liked Sneha, Sneha was back in town and I hoped she was single but she didn't even care to inform her return; I was angry. So as a final hearing of the case- Sneha was not in contact and I was not sure that even after meeting her, she would accept my proposal or not, so why to say no to a girl who had hopes on me, for a girl who didn't even try to approach me after a long gap.

So I decided to accept Nidhi's proposal not because I love her but just because I didn't want her feelings to be hurt as were mine because of Sneha. In short, it was more of ego than conditional love. So the next thing I remember is- After school hours I called Nidhi and accepted her over phone because I was afraid if she sees in my eyes that I didn't really love her. It was not that I didn't like her but I always saw her as a good friend (gf) not girlfriend (Gf).

Whatever it was, it was done. And hence started my first ever relationship. And my heart started questioning my mind, "Is she the one?"

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