Secret Paper...

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"What! You didn't pack till now?" I screamed at Sarthak.

It was 8:45 am. Sarthak was running all around searching for his clothes to pack them in. He was the one who did things at the last moment. Our booked cabs were waiting outside the hotel and were being loaded with our luggage. More 15 minutes and we were ready for our check out. But as I saw Sarthak, I felt as if we had one more day to go.

"I thought of packing it last night but I slept soon after I entered the room," he gave an excuse and continued, "Hey, I am not getting my deodorant; can you check for it under the bed or inside the drawer?" As he said this he himself went for drawer to check.

I got out of the bed and bent down to check his AXE Chocolate Premium deodorant. I moved my eyes from one corner to other and as I did this I spotted out something. It was not a deodorant but a crumbled piece of paper. It was far away and I tried really hard to reach for it. I brought it out. It was a torn paper of some diary, dated 30 April 2016. And it had following things written on it-

"I am totally confused.

Should I tell him or not?

It will be weird if I confess it right now.

Maybe I should wait for the trip to end.

I came to know that he likes me too but,

I am not sure if he will accept me.

I don't know how, but I started loving him....

How will he react if I tell him about this?

I don't know what to " and writing stopped there.

I was not sure whom it was referred to but it was pretty easy to make out that, the girl who wrote is was Soumya. Reason was very simple- no one maintained a personal diary except her. I assumed for her way of description that she want to get back in relation with Abhi. That was way too weird because she never changed the decisions she took, at least till then. But keeping all this aside I was happy that she started loving him again as she did before.

"Did you get it?" Sarthak shouted from other end of the room. I nodded with a 'no'.

"Are you planning to stay here forever or what?" Abhi entered with his backpack on. We explained him about Sarthak's lost accessory. He smirked and said, "This one?" he asked, and pointed to that dark brown deo can in his hand.

"Yes, that one. Where did you get it?" Sarthak screamed with relief as if he had his soul trapped in that can.

"Ah, I took it from drawer this morning...," he replied with a small smile followed by evil look of Sarthak towards him. He made him run all over the room. While all this was happening my thoughts were stuck only a one point-'should I show Abhi the paper that I got?'

But then I decided to let things go as they are going and not to interfere as she wrote, that she would tell him about it after trip.


We checked out from there sharp at 9. Two Tavera cars were waiting for us. We got into them and there started our return journey. As we headed towards Delhi, I remembered all the things we did back at Manali. It was like - once in a life time trip, because that age and those friends, most probably, would never come back again. But then suddenly my thoughts turned towards my problems. I was going back home and would be living for one whole week there. Situation was tense at home, between mom and dad, and now I had to bear it for one more week. If I were given a choice I would've preferred going to Bengaluru directly rather than staying at such a place of war. Fights between mom and dad increased day by day and reasons same as before- dad pointing out small mistakes and mom provoking him more. I was fed up of it. I was away from these fights when I was at Hyderabad and mom was with me there, so there was no chance of fight during those four years. But as soon as we returned, it took not more than a month to resume previous combats and that trip played a key role in keeping me away from them.

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